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Friday, June 6, 2008

Payback Time...

Hi fellas,

Wow...I love this country. I love it so much and I don't even know what to say. Everything seems to be great, the modernization, the people, the infrastructure, the facilities and others. Wow..bravo to all Malaysians especially to our government. It is so great to the extend that people are speechless...or shall I say dumbfounded. Oh..let's not be harsh here. Well, all that I know, it is a payback time for us all Malaysians. Not familiar with what I am talking about? Let me put it this way. After 50 years of Independence and Glorious development in the country,it is time to 'harvest'. Oh, fellas you don't think everything is free, do you? Didn't see it's coming? Well, I guess now you know how things work in this little beautiful country.

I love this country. As a Malaysian, I am proud of what we've achieved all these years. Tell me what Don't we have... The Tallest Building...? We've got the Tallest TOWERS, fellas. Luxurious Malls...? Plenty... places where we pour our blood and sweat...Universities...? Wow, we are not even listed among the top 50(in the world). What else...? Natural resources...? Oh..dear fellas, God knows where all of our natural resources have gone to. How about sending a man to the outer space...? Now, that is catchy... I don't quite understand why. Please feel free to drop your comments here and let me know why is someone sending a man to the outer space and yet we have a lot of issues in this country especially when we know we are not financially stable to do such.

I am still proud of being a Malaysian. Malaysians are very friendly and polite people. We all smile even if we know we are sad. We smile to make people smile. We smile everywhere we go even if we don't need to smile, but we still smile. Why...? We are always polite. We are very polite to people and we are polite to our enemies...We are polite because we are taught to be (I'm not against the idea of being polite). But, give me one good reason, why should we be polite if we are supressed by our own government? Why should we smile if we know that there's nothing to be smiled at? Have we all gone senile before time? Have we all gone deaf and blind? Why do we let ourselves to be bullied and degraded by our own people?

I love this nation. But, my love is nothing to it...


Anonymous said...

there is nothing you can do with it.. no matter how you complain, shout to them, try to protest, writing letters, posting blogs, posting banners and many more... you just cant change anything.. since you are so in love with this country (doesnt mean im not. just not too into it. haha.. no offense.).. here's an advice.. be grateful all the time.. keep smiling though you dont know why you need to.. this is the best way i guess.. =)

Ralph.J said...

Hi hf,
First of all, I would like to thank you for dropping by and I appreciate your kind response. No doubt, I am but a little person fighting over a gigantic do the math. However, this doesn't stop a little person like me and perhaps you too, to make a little difference maybe not in a large scale but at least I know someone else out there shares similar thoughts. Yeah...I am always grateful and learning to smile even if it is bitter inside...

Anonymous said...

Bro Ralph,

I applaud your efforts, but with skeptics like hf around...yes we can't do much. start small end big, remember a bunch of indians shouting in the streets a while ago? that caused the political tide to wash the shores like a tsunami. Yes, we can do something; let's start by pushing those money-making cotton-brained politicians who are running the 'gomen'and elect educated people. That might make us all stay a little longer=D


p/s - my blog : turn-u-upside-down coming soon...

Ralph.J said...

Hi there bro, thanks for dropping by. My little angel informed me once I reached home about you. I had a big laugh when she told me about your hot and sizzling up coming blog... :))
Indeed, we all have the intelligence and strength to fight against this oppression. However, such intelligence and strength are probably nothing if the rest don't even care...;)