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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sense and Sensibility...

Hi fellas,

People say life is a journey. And, I guess it is all about moving on and living to the fullest. The basic idea of living is making the journey worthwhile. I regard my life as something pretty meaningful. Though I was not born with silver spoon, I made certain adjustments in my life, something which make sense and logical. I was placed on the right path and the path which I took has made the difference.

The idea of living far away from families and parents was not a common deal back then. I left my family since I was 18.It was a tribulation especially when you had no idea what the real world was all about. At first, I could stand the hardship of missing my parents and hometown but after sometime I felt the ‘hunger’ in me. I started missing them and it got worst when I had to leave my country in pursuing my studies. Nothing seemed to be easy. Every step that I took seemed to be heavy and it got heavier from day to day. But, there were two things which kept me going… LOVE and LIFE.

The element of LOVE brought me sanity. I stayed focus on my studies and I tried to tame and fill my ‘hunger’ with lots of lovely mind’s eye about my forth coming life. My wish was plain and simple. I wanted to be with my loved ones and shared my love with them all once I completed my studies. And, I believe that in LIFE everyone has got to sacrifice. LIFE isn’t what it is if there’s no challenge in it. I regarded my long journey as something which money can’t buy.

Five and half years abroad had taught me nothing but to be an independent person. Don’t get me wrong, people can be independent wherever they may be. And, it is not necessarily living abroad will make people learn. I have seen good people, bad people and people who don’t care about their lives or others. I learnt how they think and how they perceive the world in many different perspectives. Some may be beneficial and some are just nothing but rubbish. For a small town boy like me, it was such a meaningful journey. I never expected anything like this to happen in my life when I was back in school. I thought I would end up growing and living in my little hometown like most of my friends and relatives are. I am not proud of what I have because there is simply nothing to be proud of.

At least when I grow old, I have got something to share. Something wonderful to tell my children and hopefully they will learn one or two from my little journey.

Love and Life really are Sensible…

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