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Friday, June 6, 2008


Hi fellas,

‘A feeling of intense hostility towards somebody or something’. Certainly isn’t my cup of tea. However, I am not kissing anyone’s @*s. So, be it! Something is really wrong here. Something really strange is happening to our people. Almost everyone seems to ignore and nurture this so called “carefree” kind of mentality lately. What…? Are you guys being doped with all the fantasies and melodramas marshaled by the so called “The Playwrights”? Oh… get real people. Wake up…! This isn’t time for you all to be unobtrusive and make believe there’s nothing bugging you all. The reality isn’t as astonishing and promising as they look like.

I thought we all are in the same agreement, living under the same roof, sharing a glass of water and a plate of rice…? Are we not? What is wrong with us all…? Where is the fighting spirit in us? Long faded? Oh dear, if only you know how much we’ve missed… and lost…

Oh…now I know…we are all not used to it. Our flames have long vanished. There’s nothing left but to smile and nod even if it is otherwise. Hatred is taboo. It is simply not in our culture…nothing like that at all. There goes the essence of life in our people…empty and bare.

Sad but true…

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