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Saturday, June 7, 2008


Hi fellas,

While sipping a cup of tea, my mind was busy thinking. I stood up and walked to the window in my bedroom. I could see some trees and green grass… All of sudden, a glimpse of the past flashed through my eyes. The trees and the grass brought me back to the time when I was ten. I could still recall some of the familiar faces around me. The smell of burning wood from kitchens in my small village seemed to be apart of our little life. The sounds of birds chirping, flying and sitting precariously from branches to branches were nothing but merely a common sight. Once in a while soft breeze gave a light touch on my cheeks.

I used to run to a wharf, in front of my old wooden house with my friends. Then, when we reached at the end of it, we jumped into the river. The sounds of water splashing all over the place added some excitement to us all. We swam and we dove. Sometimes we pulled each others’ legs pretended as if a monster was pulling us down to the bottom of the river. Then, we stopped and floated. We chatted with each other. After recuperating for a short while, we challenged each other. We swam across the wide river and came back to the wharf again. One thing I notice, we didn’t care about our safety. We didn’t have so much fear in our mind. For us all, excitement and the adrenalin of challenging each other were far more important than the fear of being eaten by a crocodile or drowned.

Then, from far away, I could hear my mother’s voice calling us all back for lunch. There were times when I refused to go back and I got scolded by my parents. I hated it. I didn’t know how much my parents loved and cared for me. All I had in mind was to have fun with my friends…nothing more and nothing less. It was plain innocent. Life is so much simpler back then. I know this now. Sometimes I wish to go back to that time again to catch all of the excitement... once more.

Thrill isn’t just something…

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