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Friday, June 6, 2008


Hi fellas,

When I woke up this morning, I just realized how much I miss my little hometown. The food, the people, the air and the lifestyle are totally different. I just couldn't figure out why I feel that way these few days. Maybe because of too tired thinking about life that I have at the moment. I don't mean it is bad but I guess it isn't really fulfilling for a man of my age. I feel like there are lots more good things out there for me. Now, don't get me wrong...(my little bb). I meant career wise and opportunities to go further in life.

I feel lost sometimes and I know I am not the only one. Thousands of people out there are probably in the same situation too. I have left my parents and my little hometown for about 15 years now. I was, in fact I am still searching for the best. I believe there are many successful people out there who dare themselves to leave their comfort zone. And, I long to be one of them. No doubt, I have a pretty decent job with a pretty decent salary but I still feel there's more for me. People say that is just a human nature... Deep down in me keeps on telling that there's no stopping in life until one calls it off. Is it true?

Well, when I look back from where I started my journey in life, I realize there are so many changes that have taken place in my simple life. I know I am different from the rest of my best buddies in my little hometown. Most of them have their own families. They fit into the society well. I could see their smile of satisfaction. Is it real or otherwise? All I know is I chose to be different. I chose to be far apart from them all. I chose not to grow and live among them. My choices have changed my true self. A few times when I went back to my hometown, I tried to fit myself into that little society, but it ended up with frustration. I just couldn't see where I fit the best. Questions over questions popped up into my mind...unanswered.

I guess, life isn't that simple after all.

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