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Monday, June 9, 2008


Hi fellas,

Lately, fellow Malaysians are haunted by the increasing number of crimes and bus accidents in this country. Though these aren’t something new to some people out there but I certainly feel that Malaysia is still too young to have reached to such status. I know people are developing and the country too, but that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice it with blood of some innocent people.

As I could recall, ten to fifteen years ago, I rarely could hear about rapes and murders. However, these have become our everyday news nowadays. Some innocent adults and children have become the victims of such disgusting and cruel acts. Some were murdered in a very despicable way. Such loathsome acts certainly deserve serious punishments. Some rape and murder cases were done by their very own flesh and blood. This isn’t us at all. Where do Malaysians get these dreadful ideas from? When did Malaysians start turning into wicked monsters? And, these monsters never seem to cease. In fact, they grow and more people are living in fear in this once used to be a very safe place for Malaysians. Some people seem to have lost their sense of humanity. What happen to our people? Could it be some of us were misguided somewhere along the path of reaching modernization? Or, people are slowly transforming into ‘something’ else because of greed and selfishness?

The death of some innocent people in some tragedies is something beyond our help. Everyone knows this. In fact, some people say, ‘Accident Happens’. Well, there’s a clear boundary between ‘Accident’ and ‘Carelessness’. I believe what is happening right now on the issue of public buses isn’t valid to be classified as ‘Accident’ anymore. Yesterday, two more lives were taken, but this time round the lives of the driver and the co-driver. A few weeks ago, two people were killed and injuring eleven other people. The worst part is some of these people weren’t locals. This is probably the last thing that came to your mind, traveling and got killed in an ‘accident’. The most tragic of all happened last year, August 13th, twenty lives had perished due the so called ‘Accident’. Not only that, there were other bus ‘accidents’ involving people’s lives too before this. Now, my belief is these aren’t just ordinary accidents…these are what we call ‘Carelessness’. I used to commute by buses too before and I sometimes noticed drivers especially those who drove express buses looked either Tired or Reckless. Either way, both can’t be that good. The question is, ‘Can you trust them with your life?’

Something to ponder upon…

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