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Friday, June 27, 2008


Hi fellas,

Lately a BIG CHUNK of Malaysians have been bombarded with lots of difficulties. Some may find it impossible to continue surviving in a country where almost everything is going to be predicted to increase, either now or later. Everyone starts to feel the pinch of the economic crisis. The repercussion is inevitable.

I don’t have to pinpoint anyone in this scenario. It is clear enough how the new government whom some of us trust has suddenly changed from a protector to a Predator. This probably sounds rather harsh but the truth is undeniable. Our so called ‘Government’ keeps on giving us all similar excuses for what had happened and what is happening right at this very minute. For those who can earn more would probably still can smile. But what about those who earn less? Despite all of the subsidies here and there, still it is hard to make ends meet for some people who simply cannot earn more and support their minimum daily expenses. A few weeks ago, when the first time Malaysians were shocked over the fuel price hike, one of the politician was interviewed and he stated that Malaysians have to ‘degrade’ or try to minimize their expenses to as low as possible. How can this happen when some Malaysians are already living in a very, very minimum expenses daily? Hello… it was easy for him to say as such when 50% or maybe more of his daily expenses are supported by the government. Their traveling expenses , their accommodations, their daily meals and others are most of the time supported and paid by the government. The question is where does this money come from? I’m pretty sure in the midst of all this economic crisis, there are other people out there making tons of money out of other people’s miseries. And, one of them is some Politicians.

Don’t blame me for trusting our government. Take for instant, how many foreign workers do we have here in this country? Many? A lot? Or try... TOO MANY? Don’t bother counting those foreign workers who work for construction companies nor the one who work as cleaners and maids. Try those who work for big corporations and multi-million dollar companies. Not even one quarter of our fellow Malaysians are holding high positions in these companies. Now the point is those skilled foreign workers seem to enjoy themselves here in this country whilst our own local graduates are left behind and neglected. Don’t you dare to say that our local graduates are simply not at the same par or not up to the standard required to complete or to involve in any super or mega tasks and projects in this country. If that is the case, then why did the government allow these ‘graduates’ to ever graduate from local government varsities at all? If ever government feels that our local people are not good enough then don’t offer places to students who they feel are useless and not worth of spending money on their education. It is plain simple. These days, to get all A’s is no longer a wonder. This could be a very good news and this could also be a very bad news. Good news is when you know that to get all A’s are not easy because the standard of education is high. However, to get all A’s when the standard of education is gradually dropping is just a shameful thing. I remember during my school years, any students who managed to score all A’s in general examinations were proven to be the best and the cream of the crop. Nowadays, it’s totally a different episode at all. The examinations are just as simple as ABC and perhaps simpler than that. Why is this happening? What is the result of this action? What is our government trying to do here? To show that they care by lowering the standard of education so that more students can fill up our local varsities regardless of their real capability and standard. Why is our government sabotaging our own people and the future of this country as a whole. Oh… let me guess. Simply because those who are sitting comfortably up there will have more time to earn and collect as much profit and money simply because the youngsters are not capable of fighting for their rights. Or, is this the strategy our government has planned on treating us all so that we will somehow cannot be smarter than them and thus we might go quietly into the night.

It’s pretty common or has become way too common now that Malaysians’ mentality has changed… (Did it ever change?) As long as you are tall, born with blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin, speak gibberish English (some Malaysians find it impossible to understand), there you go. You have the highest tendency to secure the highest position in a company. Whereas a little Ah Beng who has shown his loyalty for years, stood by you regardless of situations, knew you more than the blondie, is treated like yesterday’s leftover. For all we know this Ah Beng is probably way qualified than the next blondie. Help me out. I am a little confused here. Don’t get me wrong fella readers, I don’t mean to mock or to make foreign workers in this country to feel unwelcome. It is just the idea of ‘Government Helping Its Own People’ does not seem to exist at all. Where is the justice in all these? I sincerely thought that with the number of jobless graduates in this country, practically increasing every year, is not a joke any more. It is such a waste of talents and human resources. There are a lot of implications due to this. Does anybody know how much to hire a ’Mat Salleh’ to work in this country? Forget about the salary, consider their work permits, accommodations, transportations and other benefits. Their annual incomes plus all of the benefits worth if not three maybe five local graduates annual incomes. Consider Giant Supermarket and Cold Storage… ring any bells?

Being a Malaysian I have come across such sinister remarks portrayed by our own people. Our government pretends not to see such ill-treatment. The slogan of ‘Malaysia Boleh’ is just a piece of rotten propaganda. So what if ‘Malaysia Boleh is for real? It fails miserably in the first place. Why is that so? Malaysians are ignored by their own hope…the government, of course.
At first glance, you know that I am a bitter person. I can’t accept the idea of being betrayed and backstabbed by my own government. I’d rather get a kick on my ass by a foreigner (not that I allow them to do so) than by my very own government who sit comfortably in their luxurious armchairs, enjoying every bite of food which comes from the people’s blood and sweat, spending our money for unnecessary things and in the end, our people die.

I can’t accept how some politicians are just plain idiots. Pardon me. To get a title of ’DATUK’ is no longer something to be proud of. So what, you sailed around the world using ’unsinkable’ sail boat which can never sink, so what if you fly into the space and spent a few days out there digging nose, so what if you climb mount Everest 150 times and get your butts frosted, so what? Often time, when I watch news on tv, most of the so called politicians are stuttered idiots. Why…? Too much caffeine in their blood or too many lies to hide. When this bunch of stuttered-idiotic politicians running a country, people are going to suffer, big time. With all the money-minded politicians filling up all the seats in Parliament (PARtyLIARgovernMENT), you can expect projects like Growing Paddy on the Rooftop (as if we‘re running out of land), Smart Tunnel (which is not smart at all, still flooded), Islam Hadhari (which not many people know what that is) and many other white elephant projects to name a few. Think people…

I am not a politician. But I know when a person came out with such silly projects like Growing Paddy on the Rooftop, perhaps in the future Raring Fish in Our Bathtub and spent tons of people's money in the end it is just a waste, the mentality is definitely lower than a caveman. I.Q wise? You don’t want to go there…take my advice…

Where are we standing now…?

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