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Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Beginning

Hi fellas,

I am glad that my blog looks a lot better now than when I first started it. Thanks to my little angel...:p

Everything has its own beginning. My life started in a small town called Mukah, Sarawak. A little town where people seem to know each other more than the town where I live in now. People in Mukah are quite simple in nature. Most of them are fishermen. Some are farmers, some are businessmen and some are government officers.

People in Mukah speak 'Melanau' language. I know most people don't really know what it is. Well, let us put it this way, this language has its own prose and linguistic features of its own. Though there some words are clearly borrowed from Bahasa Melayu and English can be heard too. And, the most interesting thing is Melanau language is varied based on the location or region; Melanau regional dialects.

The food. Basically, Melanau people eat similar food like the Malays. However, we do have our own specialities like for instance, Sago, Umai, Linut/Ambuyat, Tebaloi and a few others to name it. The most unique and exotic type of food among the Melanaus is called 'Sie Et'. It is gross in nature especially for those who don't fancy eating 'grubs, worms or medium-sized maggots'. Your first response would be....YUCK!!! Now, that is for sure... Well, it is proven that this Sago Worms have its very own goodness and they contain lots of protein... You know what it means, right...good for the Brain. My mom used to cook it when I was young... Yummy.


'Sie Et'

One might wonder why I wrote this post. I guess, history is a focal element in which it may determine how a person reacts and sees the world from one's perspective.

Reflection of life...

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