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Friday, June 13, 2008

Diversion and Confusion...

Hi fellas,

A lot of sensational issues have taken their shares in most of newspapers' front pages recently. From the issue of fuel price (ridiculously expensive), inflation (god knows why) , religions (confusing) and of course, politics (poking each other). I feel that these issues are just plain games. What games? Mind games. Or shall I say, DIVERSION And CONFUSION (A new version of Divide and Conquer).

Malaysians are not a bunch of silly people. Though we may be too polite sometimes… or perhaps too soft. Are we? Well, I sincerely think that is a compliment to all fellow Malaysians. Now, what is it that I call DIVERSION And CONFUSION.

First of all, with all the issues about fuel price, inflation, religion and politics what used to be hot isn’t hot anymore… Ring the bell? Not yet? Well, try this…CSI. Nope…? Try Mongolia…Ok. Now, I can see some are nodding and some are just yawning (pretending not to know). This issue could be an old or ancient issue once faced by this country. The news was all over. Nothing beats that, even if Metallica were to come to Malaysia and sang their song entitled ‘SO F@#!KING WHAT?’ our government wouldn’t even care. Now that is the measurement of how HOT and SIZZLING the story was, once. But like I said… it was an “ancient news dated back thousand years ago“. Not that I am too concern about it though, what about JUSTICE? Where is the ending of this story? CSI solves cases in 1 hour on our NTV7. And our authority is taking (Present Continuous) and gathering information on the case? Is that right? That doesn’t sound right to me, does it to you? Scandals over scandals, people murdered, people accused. Where do all of these lead us to? DBKL's drain? I guess they need a lot bigger drain to keep all the lies and deceptions from public knowledge. Oh, haven’t they learned at all? What stinks will always stink. No matter how deep they bury it, sooner or later the smell will find its way out to the open. Why not those who involved in the murder of this Mongolian lady just come forward and raise their hands and say:
Murderers: “KAMI BOLEH!”. (We CAN!)
Chief Justice: “BOLEH APA?” (What do you mean you CAN?)
Murderers: “BOLEH PIGI DAH!”. (We CAN go!)
Chief Justice: “PIGI MANA?” (Where CAN you go?)
Murderers: “PIGI MATI LAH”. (We CAN go and DIE.)

Second of all, there’s something about political issue. Let me be honest to all, why are we spending so much money and country’s profit into something which I sincerely think rather ridiculous. Yes. Having the thought of a Malaysian FLYING in a rocket is great but the picture of having other fellow Malaysians PAYING skyrocketing prices for fuel and other grocery items is not something what I had in mind. Not even a bit of it.
This may or may not be a relative cause or reason which link us all to the scenario at the moment. But, spending a large sum of money just to be at the same par with the rest of the world is simply not our game at this stage of development. There are other serious issues which need to be addressed urgently. Now, one fellow Malaysian flew in the space our gas tanks or perhaps our biological tanks (stomachs) are full with spaces… It is undeniably true that we are capable of sending one or maybe two people up there. I am glad too. Perhaps next time would be a better time to do such. Not now. With that amount of expenditure spent, thousands or perhaps millions of Malaysians would smile today rather than smirk.

It’s about time things like what happened lately to occur. This is simply a punishment. Worst yet to come if nothing is done. To some extent, we Malaysians feel confused. Confused not because we are lack of education (man, we did sent someone to the space, didn’t we?), but because of how in the hell a country with so many natural resources like ours is facing such a traumatic economic crisis. Where have all the sources and the profits have gone to? Come on… we all are breaking our backs here. Where is our share? God knows. These mind games are simply not for us to play. People understand and people know. All we want is truth and be honest to us all. Without us all, this country is nothing but a piece of land with trees and monkeys.

Don’t DIVERT our views and don’t CONFUSE us for what we know…

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