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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Early Education... (Pt. 2)

Hi fellas

My daily routine was pretty simple. I woke up in the morning. I went to school like every other kid. I studied. I went back home and I slept for two or three hours. Then, my father came back from work and we ate dinner together. At 6 p.m. I helped my parents with our little sate business. I completed my homework while waiting for customers to come and buy our sate. I started to learn about life when I looked at both of my parents. I knew it was not easy for both of them to make ends meet. I realized that both of them have tried and they would never give up, not on me nor to the hardship the life had offered them both.

My parents are very hardworking people. They are not the sort who would love to sit and doing nothing. My daddy for instance, he is a man full with energy and in fact he is so good with his hands. His carpentry skills are simply outstanding. Sometimes I wonder, what would my daddy be if he were to be given the opportunity to study and complete his education? He seems to be very good at many other things too like repairing broken things, his ‘mechanical engineering’ mind works brilliantly and his carving skills are just as good as some artists out there. Not too mention, his self-defend skills too. I learned a lot of things from looking at how he did things around the house and sometimes he taught me one or two. He is a man with not much of words. I don’t deny a person who doesn’t say much, indeed a person who knows a lot about things. I still remember the roughness of his palms when he scratched my back and that coarse skin has kept a million memories which he himself might not even remember. But as a son, I will always remember that coarse skin with a million reasons never to forget.

I love cooking and all. For me, cooking is life. Cooking makes me feel special. Something which I am in command and it frustrates me when I fail to meet my own expectations on the final products. There is nothing strange about a man who can cook. Most people seemed to be shocked when I told them that I cook and I love it. Or maybe they did not expect a person like me to cook, after all. When I was eight or nine years old, my mom would love to ask me to help her out in the kitchen. I sometimes felt lazy and hated it at first. She would make me wash some vegetables, peel onions (I hated it the most…made me cry…), cut and chop some vegetables, clean up fish and chicken. I did not see the point of me staying and helping her in the kitchen at that time. But, years gone by, I realized I did not have to depend on her especially when it comes to cooking and preparing food for lunch or dinner. Sometimes, I felt like it was a part of my duty as a member of the family to somehow participate and contribute in doing some household chores. When I was 11 years old I was already pretty good in the kitchen. I had already learnt how to cook rice, curry, how to fry (deep fry and stir fry) vegetables, steamed fish, roasted fish and a few more to name it. I didn’t realize this at all. These skills and passions came to me just like that. My mom has always been very patient in educating me. Though sometimes she could become a little strict and all. I understood her well for my mother is the light of my family whilst my father is the source of energy.

Now, when I think about both of them and my little brother, I realized how much I miss them all.

I know they miss me and love me like they always do...

Friday, June 27, 2008


Hi fellas,

Lately a BIG CHUNK of Malaysians have been bombarded with lots of difficulties. Some may find it impossible to continue surviving in a country where almost everything is going to be predicted to increase, either now or later. Everyone starts to feel the pinch of the economic crisis. The repercussion is inevitable.

I don’t have to pinpoint anyone in this scenario. It is clear enough how the new government whom some of us trust has suddenly changed from a protector to a Predator. This probably sounds rather harsh but the truth is undeniable. Our so called ‘Government’ keeps on giving us all similar excuses for what had happened and what is happening right at this very minute. For those who can earn more would probably still can smile. But what about those who earn less? Despite all of the subsidies here and there, still it is hard to make ends meet for some people who simply cannot earn more and support their minimum daily expenses. A few weeks ago, when the first time Malaysians were shocked over the fuel price hike, one of the politician was interviewed and he stated that Malaysians have to ‘degrade’ or try to minimize their expenses to as low as possible. How can this happen when some Malaysians are already living in a very, very minimum expenses daily? Hello… it was easy for him to say as such when 50% or maybe more of his daily expenses are supported by the government. Their traveling expenses , their accommodations, their daily meals and others are most of the time supported and paid by the government. The question is where does this money come from? I’m pretty sure in the midst of all this economic crisis, there are other people out there making tons of money out of other people’s miseries. And, one of them is some Politicians.

Don’t blame me for trusting our government. Take for instant, how many foreign workers do we have here in this country? Many? A lot? Or try... TOO MANY? Don’t bother counting those foreign workers who work for construction companies nor the one who work as cleaners and maids. Try those who work for big corporations and multi-million dollar companies. Not even one quarter of our fellow Malaysians are holding high positions in these companies. Now the point is those skilled foreign workers seem to enjoy themselves here in this country whilst our own local graduates are left behind and neglected. Don’t you dare to say that our local graduates are simply not at the same par or not up to the standard required to complete or to involve in any super or mega tasks and projects in this country. If that is the case, then why did the government allow these ‘graduates’ to ever graduate from local government varsities at all? If ever government feels that our local people are not good enough then don’t offer places to students who they feel are useless and not worth of spending money on their education. It is plain simple. These days, to get all A’s is no longer a wonder. This could be a very good news and this could also be a very bad news. Good news is when you know that to get all A’s are not easy because the standard of education is high. However, to get all A’s when the standard of education is gradually dropping is just a shameful thing. I remember during my school years, any students who managed to score all A’s in general examinations were proven to be the best and the cream of the crop. Nowadays, it’s totally a different episode at all. The examinations are just as simple as ABC and perhaps simpler than that. Why is this happening? What is the result of this action? What is our government trying to do here? To show that they care by lowering the standard of education so that more students can fill up our local varsities regardless of their real capability and standard. Why is our government sabotaging our own people and the future of this country as a whole. Oh… let me guess. Simply because those who are sitting comfortably up there will have more time to earn and collect as much profit and money simply because the youngsters are not capable of fighting for their rights. Or, is this the strategy our government has planned on treating us all so that we will somehow cannot be smarter than them and thus we might go quietly into the night.

It’s pretty common or has become way too common now that Malaysians’ mentality has changed… (Did it ever change?) As long as you are tall, born with blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin, speak gibberish English (some Malaysians find it impossible to understand), there you go. You have the highest tendency to secure the highest position in a company. Whereas a little Ah Beng who has shown his loyalty for years, stood by you regardless of situations, knew you more than the blondie, is treated like yesterday’s leftover. For all we know this Ah Beng is probably way qualified than the next blondie. Help me out. I am a little confused here. Don’t get me wrong fella readers, I don’t mean to mock or to make foreign workers in this country to feel unwelcome. It is just the idea of ‘Government Helping Its Own People’ does not seem to exist at all. Where is the justice in all these? I sincerely thought that with the number of jobless graduates in this country, practically increasing every year, is not a joke any more. It is such a waste of talents and human resources. There are a lot of implications due to this. Does anybody know how much to hire a ’Mat Salleh’ to work in this country? Forget about the salary, consider their work permits, accommodations, transportations and other benefits. Their annual incomes plus all of the benefits worth if not three maybe five local graduates annual incomes. Consider Giant Supermarket and Cold Storage… ring any bells?

Being a Malaysian I have come across such sinister remarks portrayed by our own people. Our government pretends not to see such ill-treatment. The slogan of ‘Malaysia Boleh’ is just a piece of rotten propaganda. So what if ‘Malaysia Boleh is for real? It fails miserably in the first place. Why is that so? Malaysians are ignored by their own hope…the government, of course.
At first glance, you know that I am a bitter person. I can’t accept the idea of being betrayed and backstabbed by my own government. I’d rather get a kick on my ass by a foreigner (not that I allow them to do so) than by my very own government who sit comfortably in their luxurious armchairs, enjoying every bite of food which comes from the people’s blood and sweat, spending our money for unnecessary things and in the end, our people die.

I can’t accept how some politicians are just plain idiots. Pardon me. To get a title of ’DATUK’ is no longer something to be proud of. So what, you sailed around the world using ’unsinkable’ sail boat which can never sink, so what if you fly into the space and spent a few days out there digging nose, so what if you climb mount Everest 150 times and get your butts frosted, so what? Often time, when I watch news on tv, most of the so called politicians are stuttered idiots. Why…? Too much caffeine in their blood or too many lies to hide. When this bunch of stuttered-idiotic politicians running a country, people are going to suffer, big time. With all the money-minded politicians filling up all the seats in Parliament (PARtyLIARgovernMENT), you can expect projects like Growing Paddy on the Rooftop (as if we‘re running out of land), Smart Tunnel (which is not smart at all, still flooded), Islam Hadhari (which not many people know what that is) and many other white elephant projects to name a few. Think people…

I am not a politician. But I know when a person came out with such silly projects like Growing Paddy on the Rooftop, perhaps in the future Raring Fish in Our Bathtub and spent tons of people's money in the end it is just a waste, the mentality is definitely lower than a caveman. I.Q wise? You don’t want to go there…take my advice…

Where are we standing now…?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Early Education...

Hi fellas,

During my school years I used to be very naughty and all. Honestly, I didn’t like to study. My mom used to scold me for failing to complete my homework. There were times when I was so angry at her back for forcing me to study. Every morning I used to drag my heavy feet and with half awoke eyes to school. I couldn’t see the purpose of doing all of these. I knew both of my parents were very strict when it comes to education. They realized how important education was to me. They simply didn’t want me to end up like any one of them. My mom only managed to complete her Standard 3 and my dad was born during the Japanese occupation in Malaya. So… no school. I don’t blame them. They were born in a different ‘time zone’ and ‘era’. And, I was not.

I can still remember how naughty I was when I was in my Primary school. I loved teasing girls and made them cry. I would hide their pencils. I tied their school bags’ straps to chairs so that they couldn’t leave the class as fast as the boys. Sometimes, I took out staples and twisted them and pour a few on some girls’ chairs so when they sat on them they would jump up like sitting on a durian… I would laugh till my tears came out. There were a few occasions when my tears came out pouring not because of excitement but due to something we call ‘Corporal Punishment’. Ever heard of it? But even so, I would do it again. So much fun at the expense of others… When it was lunch break, my friends and I used to run to the back of the school. There were a few fruit trees owned by an old Chinese man. We would sneak out from a hole we made on a school fence. We climbed and tried to ‘get’ the fruit as much as we could. The best thing was when the owner of the orchard came we all ran away like as if we were blown by a big typhoon. To the old man (R.I.P) and some of my school mates (girls) I would personally like to apologize, wherever they may be.

I was just an average student. I did not dream big. All I could think of at that time was to complete my studies as fast as possible and I wanted to earn money. I am sure most of us have similar thinking. Until I was thirteen I started to realize that a person has to have a dream in life. Some of my friends were planning on going to colleges and universities. Me? No Idea! Had no plan at all. Nada! Zip! But deep down in me I wanted to get pretty decent results, if I could. I changed my learning styles. I started making a little effort of visiting library now and then. Though the main purpose was checking out some…you know what I mean. What..? I was just a thirteen year-old boy…But, trust me I was not an aggressive type, though I was a bit naughty and all. My parents started to realize the changes in me. They supported me and my mom wanted me to go for tuition. I kindly refused for I did not have much time to complete my school work if I were to attend one.

To be continued…

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Road...

...Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

(Robert Frost; 1915)

Monday, June 23, 2008


Hi fellas,

This issue which I am about to bring forward might turn-u-on… I said might. Well, I know people are very sensitive when it comes to religion and stuffs. My way of thinking is different than some people. I have nothing against anyone or any particular religions in this world. For all I care, people have rights to choose who and what they want to be.

Reality check! Honestly, religion is a common reason which divides people. People just by its nature are all the same and probably equal, somehow. People can learn each other’s languages. People can share their food together with their counterparts without any prejudices. People can tolerate each other and that makes people can live under the very same roof. Now, fella readers might think where this writer is leading me to. Hang on to your underwear people! What makes people hate each other...? Love…? Money…? Power…? I am sure you have got your very own list too. For me, in a larger scale, RELIGION is the one which causes people to HATE each other. Not TRUE? YES. Believe me… It’s TRUE.

Let us consider some of the examples. Unresolved political issues in the WEST BANK are one of the many examples to support my belief. How many years have this been going on? Pick a number…10 years…? 20 years…? 30 years…? Believe it or not… it has been there since 1917…91 damn long years! WOW! That is a fact, friends. What causes this? Nothing has got to do with power, love and money. It is about RELIGION. People don’t like each other because of RELIGION. Millions of lives have perished from the face of the earth just because of one thing, disagreement between RELIGIONS. Innocent lives are wasted. Just like yesterday’s rubbish, useless and no one cares. While the rest of the world are having fun, denying and doubting they themselves pretending not to see the ugly part of an ideology called RELIGION.

Pardon me for being blunt. The reality is always true and nothing beats that. Dream is just an imagination which we all try to make just to run away from the truth. September 11 was a bitter moment for all humanity. Over 3 thousand lives were taken on that bloody morning. How these victims wished not to wake up that morning and went to work like ordinary day which would probably result their lives to be spared. Again, the cruelty and the hatred are shown and proven to us all with the blood of the innocents just because of one word none other than the word ‘RELIGION’. This is where RELIGION once again has proven to be the cause of hatred which divides people from each other. In fact, life has become something meaningless. Day in day out, the so called religious people call out and preach, telling everyone how wonderful religion is but what, that is far from the truth.

I know this piece would bring hatred from some fella readers out there. What I am saying here is why all of us have to be doped with all the lies and deceptions about the beauty of RELIGION. Where as this is the cataclysmic source of the destructions in the world. Some may argue with me. Some may say destructions are caused by humans. Well, I couldn’t agree more, but humans with RELIGIONS. The world can never be free not until people start accepting freedom as it is. With RELIGIONS, people are not free, people are tied and people are nothing but the SLAVES to their RELIGIONS. People hate other people and being prejudice without any good reason but because of RELIGIONS. Why? Why do people have to take all of these? Because other people say RELIGIONS bring peace and harmony, promise heaven to the good ones and hell to the bad ones, or what?

Well pardon me once more; as far as I am concerned, the world is good enough, peace and harmony do not derive from RELIGIONS. Peace and harmony are just the states of mind not what we see and taste. For all we know, RELIGIONS are just RULES. RULES which stop people from pursuing their intentions and needs. RULES which stop people from discovering their true self. RULES which make weak and ugly people look strong and beautiful. RULES which stop people from so many other things which people may not know simply because everyone has to obey those RULES, blindly. Think for a while and look deep inside our heart. Consider this…


A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants.

"Well," he said, "I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight's "the" night. We're having dinner with her parents, and then we're going out. And I've got a feeling I'm gonna get lucky after that. Once she's had me, she'll want me all the time, so you'd better give me the 12 pack."

The young man makes his purchase and leaves. Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents. He asks if he might give the blessing, and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes.

The girl leans over and says, "You never told me that you were such a religious person."
He leans over to her and says, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist."

What is the message here…? People are just using RELIGIONS to cover their weaknesses. How important is that?

Why oh why…

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sense and Sensibility...

Hi fellas,

People say life is a journey. And, I guess it is all about moving on and living to the fullest. The basic idea of living is making the journey worthwhile. I regard my life as something pretty meaningful. Though I was not born with silver spoon, I made certain adjustments in my life, something which make sense and logical. I was placed on the right path and the path which I took has made the difference.

The idea of living far away from families and parents was not a common deal back then. I left my family since I was 18.It was a tribulation especially when you had no idea what the real world was all about. At first, I could stand the hardship of missing my parents and hometown but after sometime I felt the ‘hunger’ in me. I started missing them and it got worst when I had to leave my country in pursuing my studies. Nothing seemed to be easy. Every step that I took seemed to be heavy and it got heavier from day to day. But, there were two things which kept me going… LOVE and LIFE.

The element of LOVE brought me sanity. I stayed focus on my studies and I tried to tame and fill my ‘hunger’ with lots of lovely mind’s eye about my forth coming life. My wish was plain and simple. I wanted to be with my loved ones and shared my love with them all once I completed my studies. And, I believe that in LIFE everyone has got to sacrifice. LIFE isn’t what it is if there’s no challenge in it. I regarded my long journey as something which money can’t buy.

Five and half years abroad had taught me nothing but to be an independent person. Don’t get me wrong, people can be independent wherever they may be. And, it is not necessarily living abroad will make people learn. I have seen good people, bad people and people who don’t care about their lives or others. I learnt how they think and how they perceive the world in many different perspectives. Some may be beneficial and some are just nothing but rubbish. For a small town boy like me, it was such a meaningful journey. I never expected anything like this to happen in my life when I was back in school. I thought I would end up growing and living in my little hometown like most of my friends and relatives are. I am not proud of what I have because there is simply nothing to be proud of.

At least when I grow old, I have got something to share. Something wonderful to tell my children and hopefully they will learn one or two from my little journey.

Love and Life really are Sensible…

Monday, June 16, 2008


Hi fellas,

After several days of hot and dry days, this morning it rained. Oh boy, I am so glad it rained. At least the world isn’t that hot. This reminds me of my little hometown. The weather in my hometown can be very hot during the day. Since it is located along the coastal line, the heat is even greater especially in May, June and July. When I was young I used to spend my time swimming in the river, in front of my house at least 2 to 4 hours a day. Back then, to have an air-conditioned house was something luxurious. Not many could afford to get one. My mom used to ask me to stay inside the house but I simply couldn’t refuse playing with my friends outside. Kids, huh…

I still can recall there was a long school holiday which lasted about a month and a half. This was the best time for us all to meet up and play the whole day. My parents would send me back to my little hometown with the purpose of teaching me to be independent. Indeed, I learned to become an independent person though I didn’t realize it back then. I thought my parents would just want to shirk their responsibilities of taking care of me. Silly boy I was. I stayed at my aunt’s place. She took care of me and the best thing is she loves me so much just like her own son. She never gets angry at me, not even once. She ran a small grocery business in the village. I helped her out. I learned how to do business. She told me about things and I learned tons of good things from her.

As a 10-year-old boy, I was pretty naïve by nature. I was curious about everything. One day, one of my friends asked me to buy a pack of cigarette. I secretively bought one and my friend and I rode to the beach nearby. That was my first cigarette in my life. I smoked as if I have been smoking for years. Deep in my heart I knew I couldn’t lie to myself. Who am I kidding, right? I felt bad for what I did. The secret remains especially to my parents and my aunt. But not to you guys.

Back in my village, I learned how to catch fish and prawns. I spent my whole morning and afternoon fishing. My friends and I would sit at a wharf in front of my house with a few fishing rods each made from small bamboo sticks. We waited patiently and we chatted softly. We abused our skin under the hot and bright sunny day. We didn’t care. Our mission was pretty clear and simple, to catch fish. We caught a few sometimes we caught more than ten fish. This was our motivation. Fed up of fishing, I learned how to use fishing net. My friend owned a small sampan (boat) and a seasoned fishing net. We used that as our tools to start a small business. We were very patient. We both woke up at 6.30 in the morning. We went to a small hut to fry some rice to be mixed with some soil as our baits. Then we ate breakfast. After breakfast we paddled and we threw our baits all over the river. We let our bait sank and then we made another trip to go back to the first place we started baiting. I threw the fishing net into the river with the hope of getting some fish or even prawn too. To our surprise, we caught about a few kilos of fish and prawns. WOW! It worked.
We paddled back and with excitement we divided our catch into half. The next morning we tried again and we caught a lot more than the day before. So, we both decided to sell some at the market. We did it and we shared the profit. But, nothing stays the same all the time. There was time when we caught almost nothing and we felt sad. Time flew and we had to stop fishing because it was time for us to go back to school again. This simply is one of the neatest memories in my life.

Childhood years are the best time ever…

Friday, June 13, 2008

Diversion and Confusion...

Hi fellas,

A lot of sensational issues have taken their shares in most of newspapers' front pages recently. From the issue of fuel price (ridiculously expensive), inflation (god knows why) , religions (confusing) and of course, politics (poking each other). I feel that these issues are just plain games. What games? Mind games. Or shall I say, DIVERSION And CONFUSION (A new version of Divide and Conquer).

Malaysians are not a bunch of silly people. Though we may be too polite sometimes… or perhaps too soft. Are we? Well, I sincerely think that is a compliment to all fellow Malaysians. Now, what is it that I call DIVERSION And CONFUSION.

First of all, with all the issues about fuel price, inflation, religion and politics what used to be hot isn’t hot anymore… Ring the bell? Not yet? Well, try this…CSI. Nope…? Try Mongolia…Ok. Now, I can see some are nodding and some are just yawning (pretending not to know). This issue could be an old or ancient issue once faced by this country. The news was all over. Nothing beats that, even if Metallica were to come to Malaysia and sang their song entitled ‘SO F@#!KING WHAT?’ our government wouldn’t even care. Now that is the measurement of how HOT and SIZZLING the story was, once. But like I said… it was an “ancient news dated back thousand years ago“. Not that I am too concern about it though, what about JUSTICE? Where is the ending of this story? CSI solves cases in 1 hour on our NTV7. And our authority is taking (Present Continuous) and gathering information on the case? Is that right? That doesn’t sound right to me, does it to you? Scandals over scandals, people murdered, people accused. Where do all of these lead us to? DBKL's drain? I guess they need a lot bigger drain to keep all the lies and deceptions from public knowledge. Oh, haven’t they learned at all? What stinks will always stink. No matter how deep they bury it, sooner or later the smell will find its way out to the open. Why not those who involved in the murder of this Mongolian lady just come forward and raise their hands and say:
Murderers: “KAMI BOLEH!”. (We CAN!)
Chief Justice: “BOLEH APA?” (What do you mean you CAN?)
Murderers: “BOLEH PIGI DAH!”. (We CAN go!)
Chief Justice: “PIGI MANA?” (Where CAN you go?)
Murderers: “PIGI MATI LAH”. (We CAN go and DIE.)

Second of all, there’s something about political issue. Let me be honest to all, why are we spending so much money and country’s profit into something which I sincerely think rather ridiculous. Yes. Having the thought of a Malaysian FLYING in a rocket is great but the picture of having other fellow Malaysians PAYING skyrocketing prices for fuel and other grocery items is not something what I had in mind. Not even a bit of it.
This may or may not be a relative cause or reason which link us all to the scenario at the moment. But, spending a large sum of money just to be at the same par with the rest of the world is simply not our game at this stage of development. There are other serious issues which need to be addressed urgently. Now, one fellow Malaysian flew in the space our gas tanks or perhaps our biological tanks (stomachs) are full with spaces… It is undeniably true that we are capable of sending one or maybe two people up there. I am glad too. Perhaps next time would be a better time to do such. Not now. With that amount of expenditure spent, thousands or perhaps millions of Malaysians would smile today rather than smirk.

It’s about time things like what happened lately to occur. This is simply a punishment. Worst yet to come if nothing is done. To some extent, we Malaysians feel confused. Confused not because we are lack of education (man, we did sent someone to the space, didn’t we?), but because of how in the hell a country with so many natural resources like ours is facing such a traumatic economic crisis. Where have all the sources and the profits have gone to? Come on… we all are breaking our backs here. Where is our share? God knows. These mind games are simply not for us to play. People understand and people know. All we want is truth and be honest to us all. Without us all, this country is nothing but a piece of land with trees and monkeys.

Don’t DIVERT our views and don’t CONFUSE us for what we know…


Hi fellas,

It’s been a while since my last post. I guess fellow readers might think that this guy is just a joke. Nope. Well, I guess blogging is just something for fun. I would rather prefer to write when I have something to write about. Besides, my little angel did say that “Blogging is not an Obligation“. Speaking of which, I personally think that there is truth in that phrase.

Well, lately I had a little argument with my inner self. I am up until now still confuse. I wouldn’t mind letting my fellow readers to know what I deeply feel inside. Everyone has problem/s. I have my share too. I am at the junction of continuing working as a full-timer or should I dive into a part-timer. On one hand I have some responsibilities to be taken cared of. On the other, I guess I could earn double or perhaps triple of what I am getting now if I were to become a part-timer. However, the real deal here is by turning myself into a part-timer I would not know as in how much and for how long will I be able to earn the double or triple amount of what I have planned to get. I am seriously in dilemma now.

I know for some this may not be the biggest problem, after all. But, it is a pretty huge burden for me if I can’t make what I have planned. Now, sometimes I blame the existence of the word ‘IF’. Seriously fellas, this word shouldn’t be in our dictionary. So people keep on telling me that. I have been thinking about it for a while now. I know it isn’t easy to get a fulltime job these days. I would love to maintain it but that would limit myself and I notice that there’s so much time in between that I have wasted just by earning little money. I would love to utilize that time and turn it into $$$$$$$$. I am tied up with the job that I have now. I can’t be leaving my office as and when I like, even though I am not entirely needed at that particular time slot.

Now, please don’t get me wrong. No doubt, I do sound like a money minded person here but the reality is forcing me to think and act this way. In fact, I think I deserve some credit somehow. Why? That is because I hate to waste my time earning so little. I know my time is worth something more than that. I know it… Am I too afraid to leave my so called ‘comfort zone’ here? Is that the real issue? Probably yes… Probably I want to play safe. Ever thought of that? From a different angle, I can understand that this is just a temporary phase. But, in a long run, this will somehow affect me and my future badly. I can’t be forever earning this much and yet prices of things around are going to be skyrocketing even higher than what we can predict.

Fellow readers, life isn’t always about money and wealth. And, mind you that I am not chasing after money here. My real intention is to turn my precious time and to channel my energy into something worth while. There is no point for sitting and doing almost nothing and yet the time spent is paid good for nothing. With all the changes have taken place around… there is no reason for a person who is capable of doing something not to do extra but a plain laziness.

Still thinking…

Monday, June 9, 2008


Hi fellas,

Lately, fellow Malaysians are haunted by the increasing number of crimes and bus accidents in this country. Though these aren’t something new to some people out there but I certainly feel that Malaysia is still too young to have reached to such status. I know people are developing and the country too, but that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice it with blood of some innocent people.

As I could recall, ten to fifteen years ago, I rarely could hear about rapes and murders. However, these have become our everyday news nowadays. Some innocent adults and children have become the victims of such disgusting and cruel acts. Some were murdered in a very despicable way. Such loathsome acts certainly deserve serious punishments. Some rape and murder cases were done by their very own flesh and blood. This isn’t us at all. Where do Malaysians get these dreadful ideas from? When did Malaysians start turning into wicked monsters? And, these monsters never seem to cease. In fact, they grow and more people are living in fear in this once used to be a very safe place for Malaysians. Some people seem to have lost their sense of humanity. What happen to our people? Could it be some of us were misguided somewhere along the path of reaching modernization? Or, people are slowly transforming into ‘something’ else because of greed and selfishness?

The death of some innocent people in some tragedies is something beyond our help. Everyone knows this. In fact, some people say, ‘Accident Happens’. Well, there’s a clear boundary between ‘Accident’ and ‘Carelessness’. I believe what is happening right now on the issue of public buses isn’t valid to be classified as ‘Accident’ anymore. Yesterday, two more lives were taken, but this time round the lives of the driver and the co-driver. A few weeks ago, two people were killed and injuring eleven other people. The worst part is some of these people weren’t locals. This is probably the last thing that came to your mind, traveling and got killed in an ‘accident’. The most tragic of all happened last year, August 13th, twenty lives had perished due the so called ‘Accident’. Not only that, there were other bus ‘accidents’ involving people’s lives too before this. Now, my belief is these aren’t just ordinary accidents…these are what we call ‘Carelessness’. I used to commute by buses too before and I sometimes noticed drivers especially those who drove express buses looked either Tired or Reckless. Either way, both can’t be that good. The question is, ‘Can you trust them with your life?’

Something to ponder upon…

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Hi fellas,

While sipping a cup of tea, my mind was busy thinking. I stood up and walked to the window in my bedroom. I could see some trees and green grass… All of sudden, a glimpse of the past flashed through my eyes. The trees and the grass brought me back to the time when I was ten. I could still recall some of the familiar faces around me. The smell of burning wood from kitchens in my small village seemed to be apart of our little life. The sounds of birds chirping, flying and sitting precariously from branches to branches were nothing but merely a common sight. Once in a while soft breeze gave a light touch on my cheeks.

I used to run to a wharf, in front of my old wooden house with my friends. Then, when we reached at the end of it, we jumped into the river. The sounds of water splashing all over the place added some excitement to us all. We swam and we dove. Sometimes we pulled each others’ legs pretended as if a monster was pulling us down to the bottom of the river. Then, we stopped and floated. We chatted with each other. After recuperating for a short while, we challenged each other. We swam across the wide river and came back to the wharf again. One thing I notice, we didn’t care about our safety. We didn’t have so much fear in our mind. For us all, excitement and the adrenalin of challenging each other were far more important than the fear of being eaten by a crocodile or drowned.

Then, from far away, I could hear my mother’s voice calling us all back for lunch. There were times when I refused to go back and I got scolded by my parents. I hated it. I didn’t know how much my parents loved and cared for me. All I had in mind was to have fun with my friends…nothing more and nothing less. It was plain innocent. Life is so much simpler back then. I know this now. Sometimes I wish to go back to that time again to catch all of the excitement... once more.

Thrill isn’t just something…

Friday, June 6, 2008


Hi fellas,

‘A feeling of intense hostility towards somebody or something’. Certainly isn’t my cup of tea. However, I am not kissing anyone’s @*s. So, be it! Something is really wrong here. Something really strange is happening to our people. Almost everyone seems to ignore and nurture this so called “carefree” kind of mentality lately. What…? Are you guys being doped with all the fantasies and melodramas marshaled by the so called “The Playwrights”? Oh… get real people. Wake up…! This isn’t time for you all to be unobtrusive and make believe there’s nothing bugging you all. The reality isn’t as astonishing and promising as they look like.

I thought we all are in the same agreement, living under the same roof, sharing a glass of water and a plate of rice…? Are we not? What is wrong with us all…? Where is the fighting spirit in us? Long faded? Oh dear, if only you know how much we’ve missed… and lost…

Oh…now I know…we are all not used to it. Our flames have long vanished. There’s nothing left but to smile and nod even if it is otherwise. Hatred is taboo. It is simply not in our culture…nothing like that at all. There goes the essence of life in our people…empty and bare.

Sad but true…


Hi fellas,

When I woke up this morning, I just realized how much I miss my little hometown. The food, the people, the air and the lifestyle are totally different. I just couldn't figure out why I feel that way these few days. Maybe because of too tired thinking about life that I have at the moment. I don't mean it is bad but I guess it isn't really fulfilling for a man of my age. I feel like there are lots more good things out there for me. Now, don't get me wrong...(my little bb). I meant career wise and opportunities to go further in life.

I feel lost sometimes and I know I am not the only one. Thousands of people out there are probably in the same situation too. I have left my parents and my little hometown for about 15 years now. I was, in fact I am still searching for the best. I believe there are many successful people out there who dare themselves to leave their comfort zone. And, I long to be one of them. No doubt, I have a pretty decent job with a pretty decent salary but I still feel there's more for me. People say that is just a human nature... Deep down in me keeps on telling that there's no stopping in life until one calls it off. Is it true?

Well, when I look back from where I started my journey in life, I realize there are so many changes that have taken place in my simple life. I know I am different from the rest of my best buddies in my little hometown. Most of them have their own families. They fit into the society well. I could see their smile of satisfaction. Is it real or otherwise? All I know is I chose to be different. I chose to be far apart from them all. I chose not to grow and live among them. My choices have changed my true self. A few times when I went back to my hometown, I tried to fit myself into that little society, but it ended up with frustration. I just couldn't see where I fit the best. Questions over questions popped up into my mind...unanswered.

I guess, life isn't that simple after all.

Payback Time...

Hi fellas,

Wow...I love this country. I love it so much and I don't even know what to say. Everything seems to be great, the modernization, the people, the infrastructure, the facilities and others. Wow..bravo to all Malaysians especially to our government. It is so great to the extend that people are speechless...or shall I say dumbfounded. Oh..let's not be harsh here. Well, all that I know, it is a payback time for us all Malaysians. Not familiar with what I am talking about? Let me put it this way. After 50 years of Independence and Glorious development in the country,it is time to 'harvest'. Oh, fellas you don't think everything is free, do you? Didn't see it's coming? Well, I guess now you know how things work in this little beautiful country.

I love this country. As a Malaysian, I am proud of what we've achieved all these years. Tell me what Don't we have... The Tallest Building...? We've got the Tallest TOWERS, fellas. Luxurious Malls...? Plenty... places where we pour our blood and sweat...Universities...? Wow, we are not even listed among the top 50(in the world). What else...? Natural resources...? Oh..dear fellas, God knows where all of our natural resources have gone to. How about sending a man to the outer space...? Now, that is catchy... I don't quite understand why. Please feel free to drop your comments here and let me know why is someone sending a man to the outer space and yet we have a lot of issues in this country especially when we know we are not financially stable to do such.

I am still proud of being a Malaysian. Malaysians are very friendly and polite people. We all smile even if we know we are sad. We smile to make people smile. We smile everywhere we go even if we don't need to smile, but we still smile. Why...? We are always polite. We are very polite to people and we are polite to our enemies...We are polite because we are taught to be (I'm not against the idea of being polite). But, give me one good reason, why should we be polite if we are supressed by our own government? Why should we smile if we know that there's nothing to be smiled at? Have we all gone senile before time? Have we all gone deaf and blind? Why do we let ourselves to be bullied and degraded by our own people?

I love this nation. But, my love is nothing to it...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Beginning

Hi fellas,

I am glad that my blog looks a lot better now than when I first started it. Thanks to my little angel...:p

Everything has its own beginning. My life started in a small town called Mukah, Sarawak. A little town where people seem to know each other more than the town where I live in now. People in Mukah are quite simple in nature. Most of them are fishermen. Some are farmers, some are businessmen and some are government officers.

People in Mukah speak 'Melanau' language. I know most people don't really know what it is. Well, let us put it this way, this language has its own prose and linguistic features of its own. Though there some words are clearly borrowed from Bahasa Melayu and English can be heard too. And, the most interesting thing is Melanau language is varied based on the location or region; Melanau regional dialects.

The food. Basically, Melanau people eat similar food like the Malays. However, we do have our own specialities like for instance, Sago, Umai, Linut/Ambuyat, Tebaloi and a few others to name it. The most unique and exotic type of food among the Melanaus is called 'Sie Et'. It is gross in nature especially for those who don't fancy eating 'grubs, worms or medium-sized maggots'. Your first response would be....YUCK!!! Now, that is for sure... Well, it is proven that this Sago Worms have its very own goodness and they contain lots of protein... You know what it means, right...good for the Brain. My mom used to cook it when I was young... Yummy.


'Sie Et'

One might wonder why I wrote this post. I guess, history is a focal element in which it may determine how a person reacts and sees the world from one's perspective.

Reflection of life...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Maiden Voyage

Hi all,

As people say, there will always be the first time. So, fellas this is my first journey into blogging world. I hope this little step that I take will continue till the day I call it off.

Maiden voyage isn't always as interesting as it sounds. I have thought about this for a long time. Now, I have always wanted my writing to be read and heard by people. When I said people I meant those with souls... Pardon me for my French. That is not always be the case. Here you can expect anything to happen. I just want to be free in voicing out my thoughts. Thoughts which I have long abandoned. I guess, it's about time for me to let go the 'true me'.

Dear readers (if there's any) LOL... think of this blog as a story of my life. You can always come in and leave your comments. I don't mind...