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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Women + Reality...

Hi fellas

I could see some hot and sizzling traffic came in right after I posted my WHAT WOMEN WANT?. Great! Now, I know I am not making this up. Thanks to some readers who posted their comments and I really appreciate it. Well, all I wanted to say was life can be really meaningful if one tries to stand with both of his or her feet on the ground rather than dreaming of flying high up in the sky. I know this sounds quite normal and it is probably an old news to some. But, most of us don’t realize it how much some of us have forgotten what life requires us all to do and to be. So, why make it complicated?

Now, I am not writing this due to some anger and hatred. This is what I personally feel and I am sincere in voicing out my little thought to the world. Something to share and nothing to lose. The issue of women and men in this world is too broad. Everyone has his or her own words when it comes to this gender issues. Something for us all to ponder upon. Long time ago, women were treated like a second class human beings. They did not have their say in most societies in the world. Then, came a revolution. Women wanted to be recognized and they wanted to have their rights as equal as men. Well, after some bloodshed and ugly stuff happened men decided to allow women to have their say in the society. Later on, women started to compete with men. And, again women proved that they can be as equal as men. But, they have forgotten one thing.

In the midst of their struggle for equality in the world they have defeated themselves by somehow denying who they really are. I personally thought women should try to keep and maintain their identity as women not men. This is where women are defeated simply because men have tried their best to maintain the essence of being men. For instance, men wear pants, women wear too, men smoke, women want it too, men play football, women play football too, etc…etc… Now, what is wrong here? We don’t get to see men wear skirts because women wear skirts, we don’t see men carry handbags because women do, we don’t get to see men wear high heels because women wear high heels…etc…etc… unless some men who were probably born to be half men and half women. But then again, still too many things women do, men don’t do and copy because we know by doing so we are just making ourselves look stupid. Why bother?

Now, please don’t get me wrong, especially to female readers. I just want you to think for a while. I believe there are reasons why God (if there is any) created two different sexes or else why headache. Each one of us, men and women, are both special and distinct. By imitating one means denying and going against the nature of human beings. So, if there is a good reason why women want to live in men’s life, please let me know. Don’t tell me that because men cannot always win, men cannot always be the head and leader, men cannot monopolize all sectors… don’t. We, men don’t want to compete against women, not because some women are simply weaker then men, not because some women are simply not at the same par with men…not because of some silly and nonsense reasons like that. But because we, men know, no matter how hard both sexes are trying the WORLD IS STILL ROUND. Whatever stays on the top one day will have to stay under. There goes what a man think. Why…? This is what we call ‘REALITY’ and it is true. Don’t deny it.

I guess many men out there would agree with me. Women should try to make things simpler and be practical sometimes. There are so many things out there which are way…way… too complicated and I hate to mention this, RELATIONSHIP SHOULD NOT BE COMPLICATED. Enough with all the nonsense and craps all over the place in the world around us but one thing…one little thing called LOVE should be simpler and easier. Women or men have to try to make this thing work.

Reality is hard to accept…


Anonymous said...

hey i like this one..i gotta admit that this time i'm agreed with what you said.
you got a point man.
we cant compare men and women, they are different..
with the differences , this world become a more merrier place to live..
women can have what they want but there must be boundaries..
i love the fact that men can protect women.
i love being protected..
and i have to admit that, women can't live without men..
and men?

Anonymous said...

and mr.ralph i already rss feed u..
so more..

Ralph.J said...

Hi there callister, thanks for dropping by again... and thanks for subscribing my humble blog. I am just conveying what I personally feel about both sexes and none of us can escape reality, no matter how. Well, the answer to your question is definitely WOMEN. Btw, just call me Ralph... Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

well no problem ralph..
u have a good blog here.. i enjoyed reading it..

Anonymous said...

dear macha,
I'd like to echo your comments here. Some of em ladies just don't seem to understand that we don't wanna win, we just wanna be ourselves. I understand the part where nature plays its part la, both genders have flaws. The whole idea is to perfect each other. Fuck equality, accept the fact that there is no such thing. There are even indications from the Almighty on this la, when we have sex, kekadang atas kekadang bawah mah... Wasted la, don't you think so?


Cheers & beers

Ralph.J said...

Hi bro, thanks for the wonderful comment. Well, we all know this fact but some pretend not to know it especially those who feel that their lives can only be on top...not otherwise. These are the sort who need to get real.

Cheers bro...

Anonymous said...

hey where have u gone..