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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Gangstarz and Jellyfish...

Hi fellas,

These days reality shows have flooded our TV channels with all sorts of games and competitions. Indeed with all of these shows, some I would say pretty interesting and all. Well, some are just disappointing and lame. Reality shows like Amazing Race, Survivor, Fear Factor, American Idol and The Apprentice are some of the top quality and high rating shows. In fact, these are the shows worth watching and the most awaited shows.

Well, then again, as usual, Malaysians have their own shows too for instance The Firm (which isn’t firm at all) and Gangstarz (would rather call them GangClownz). And, these shows are, sorry to say, not even worth a dime and time. The show like Gangstarz for instance, is just too lame and really disappointing. Up until now, I still do not think that this show can boost the quality of music industry in this country. As far as I am concern, this show is such a big piece of crap. I would say all of the competitors are really suck, big time. Please don’t get me wrong here. If these are the kind of singers or entertainers who will fill the music industry in this country, man…’we ain’t goin’ no where’.

I have a few valid reasons why show like Gangstarz is not worth watching. First of all, these singer wannabes have got no style to be one. Well, though styles can be nurtured but then again, they are just too FAKE to be one. They don’t have what it takes. They are trying way too hard or could it be they are just out of their league. Nothing seems to show their real quality to become one. They have got no identity on their own. Even if they have one, it is too fake and simply mimicking other famous entertainers. Talking about gimmicks and all, too much of it and one can get sick watching it. Again, this happens because they don’t have the talent and flare to be one.

Secondly, though I am not a vocal trainer nor I am a singer, but anyone can tell that these singer wannabes are just tone deaf. They sing out of tune. They can’t even harmonize their voices and not too mention changing other people’s songs and making them sound even worse. I have got one question that I would love to pop out to these singer wannabes. When was the last time they listen… I meant really listen to their voices? Well, that does not include singing in a bathroom. Mother of God, please let these people hear their own voices before they decide to become entertainers whom I personally feel their albums (if they can land one) would miserably go down the drain and, before it causes further damage to ear drums of all Malaysians.

Thirdly, the look. I am sorry to say that most of them have no commercial value at all. I don’t mean that they need to look pretty and handsome to become singers but isn’t that is a part of the requirements to be fulfilled in order to boost the industry. No standard at all. In that case, anyone can be a singer and anyone can also go up on stage and start singing even though he or she does not have enough package to be one. Fashion people, fashion…Now, let us be fair, not everyone is born pretty and handsome. Not everyone is born to sing, too. But, some are born with the complete package, pretty or handsome, fashionable and can sing. This is what we’re looking for. I know some may say, this isn’t a beauty contest but then again most of them who take part in this Gangstarz do not have at least two of the above requirements. And, the worst thing is, they probably know that they are ugly and they still dress up like clowns. They dance like clowns and they sing like clowns. I guess Gangstarz should call themselves GangClownz. They do not deserve to be called stars. The real stars are the one who are truly magnificent and simply the best. I personally do not think anyone of them fits the profile. None.

Sometimes, I think the so called professional jury for this show isn’t professional at all. They are just there to show that they know what they are doing which I think they don’t. Their comments are lame and stupid. Some of them do not deserve to award any stars to any of the clowns. And, the other little clowns who know nothing about music, and probably are just lame people watching and cheering in the studio as if they know what these so called professional jury say. I hope this show is only aired in this country. Well, I guess not. What a shameful thing to show to the world. They want to do it internationally and yet the ‘sucky’ jury can’t even construct a complete sentence in English. Oh dear… what is this?

Well, despite all of the negative things about GangClownz, oppsss… I meant Gangstarz… they have succeeded in turning the studio into a ‘Legitimate Disco’ for the spectators. Wow, a couple of times I happened to witness some “Jellyfish” floating in the air during the performances. Thumbs up! They really can dance. I don’t mean the singer wannabes on the stage but the Malay ladies with their scarves or their head gear, dancing like nobody’s business. I know I have seen some Malay ladies dancing in some discos in town but at least they are not hypocrite and pretentious. Now these colorful floating “Jellyfish” made me laugh. Oh dear… I guess this is the only place where they can let go off their ‘steam’. Pathetic… I never know that the ones with the scarves on their head are quite a party animal group, huh.


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