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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Monkey Love...

Hi fellas,

It is funny to think about my past. I know that my past isn’t that great but full of adventures and lots of trials and errors. I learnt. I understood how things worked. But there is one thing which took me years to understand…LOVE. Love is such a difficult thing to understand and I realized how hard it is to fall in love and it is even harder when you fail in love.

As I could recall, I guess my first monkey love was when I was 15 years old. I totally had no idea that little feeling which I had was actually what people call it LOVE. It is such a strange thing for me and until now I can feel it but at least now I know what it means. There was this one girl who came to my school. She had long silky hair and pretty much a girl boys would love to be with. At that time, I had a friend. He somehow liked the girl too. I know what you all are thinking... Well, it was definitely a “Bermuda Triangle Love Story”. A friend of mine came to me and told me how he felt about the girl. Pretending to be an idiot, I nodded and agreed with whatever he had to say, though deep down in me I had almost similar or maybe deeper feeling for the girl.

Anyway, after a couple of months, my class teacher asked for some volunteers to do some presentations for the coming Teachers’ Day. My friend came to me and told me his idea for the Teachers’ Day which somehow had some elements of wooing the girl. All I could do was to agree and smiled back at him. So, he went up to the teacher and volunteered himself. The girl who sat two rows in front of me turned and smiled at me. I bet that was the sweetest smile I had ever seen in my life. All of a sudden, my heart started beating so hard and I could practically felt cold sweat dripping down from my forehead. I felt uncomfortable and my mind was clouded and I thought I was going to die that very moment. Then, a few seconds later, suddenly one brilliant idea went across my mind. I said quietly to myself, I wanted to volunteer and present something on that day. I stood up and I walked up to my teacher and smiled at her. She asked me what would I do on that day, and I automatically answered that I wanted to sing. Oh dear Lord! What the heck am I doing? My teacher smiled and nodded. And I turned around and walked back to my seat with all bloody curses…Silly!! Silly!! Silly!!

About two days later, during break time, the girl came to me and she asked me what song I would sing for the Teachers’ Day. I smiled and I said “Right Here Waiting”. What?! I said in my heart. She smiled. Her beautiful eyes glittered and they made me so nervous. She wished me good luck. Oh dear, at that moment, I just realized that Teachers’ Day was only two days away. I had a lot of preparations to do. In fact, I had no idea why in the hell I would volunteer myself for such thing. I was very silly. I looked at my friend who was very busy preparing for the day. He planned to recite a poem. I waved at him and he smiled back at me. I felt really guilty somehow and I knew I was not challenging him…was I?

I practiced singing the song. I strummed my guitar and I sang. My mom was a bit lost when she realized I was different than usual. She came up to me and asked me, why there’s sudden change in me. At first, I felt uncomfortable to talk to her but finally I let it out. I told her about this girl. My mom smiled at me and she advised me to go easy on it. She said, love is something pure and it is not meant to be forced. Love is unexpected and wonderful if one can treasure it with all his or her heart. Love is something simple and should not be complicated. Life is complicated but not loves. Wow…it was like and inspiration to me. My mom smiled and left. I guess she felt better at that moment knowing his only child was normal, just facing a little ‘glitch’ in life. So, I practiced my singing and guitar playing for the day.

The day had come. I brought my guitar to school. Some friends were impressed and did not expect me to play the guitar. Yes, I never told anyone about it. I kept it as a secret. And, that day everything came to light. My friend delivered his poem really well. And, it was my turn to present. I pulled out a chair and I sat with my guitar on my lap. A little nervous and cold sweat was dripping slowly. I strummed the guitar and I played the tune. I started singing. I looked at everyone’s face and I smiled. Miraculously, everyone seemed to enjoy my performance. I did not dare to look at the girl directly. Without my acknowledgment my song had come to an end. I ended it well. Then, round of big applause, bursting with all the cheering from the boys. My teacher smiled and shook my hand. My classmates requested another song but I had to refuse with the reason not enough time. Luckily it worked. The truth was I only practiced one song…

While I was busy packing my guitar, the girl came and she told me that she liked my performance. I thanked her and she offered me a glass of coke. I accepted it and thanked her again. From that day onwards, we became good friends and I did not dare to say anything to her which I thought would ruin our friendship if I decided to tell her the truth. However, the truth is something in which a person probably can never hide forever. She came to know about my true feeling for her when my friend told her that I liked her more than just a friend. I did tell my friend that I somehow liked her after the presentation and my friend and I were not in a very good term ever since. I apologized to him for keeping that little secret and I never expected that he would tell her about it. Upon knowing the truth she came to me and asked me to go out for a drink. I was clueless. I felt kind of a bit strange but I went out. She was pretty cool and she asked me a few questions (I felt as if I was being interrogated) and I had to be honest to her. I told her that I wanted to become her special one. So, there it went. I told her everything and strangely, she looked at me for a few seconds and she said ‘YES’. YES…?

Love is unexpected and pure…


Anonymous said...


Good stuff man, reading this actually made me feel very happy la, macam lepas tengok happy ending wei.. esp the part where i tried to put myself in your shoes.. then all of a sudden smack came reality and brought me back down to earth. Hope to have a go at pure love too, someday=)


Ralph.J said...

Thanks again bro, love We all will have this one or two chances in life. To grab it or not is up to a person. It is just a matter of time and place... You will, one day. Be sure to invite me for beer when the time comes.
