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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Women Want?...

Hi fellas,

I guess there is a limit in a person’s life. I know there is time when one feels down and upset and I hate to have either one of them. I know life with a partner is something worth living but sometimes to understand another person’s mind is simply impossible. Women for instance, are a very complicated being. It is hard to get to know them, it is even harder when you are with one of them and to make matter worst, it is impossible to understand them. What do women want?!! The answer is infinity. Maybe they themselves don’t even know what they really want in life.

Some women love to live in fantasy. They want their lives to revolve in this little Fantasy Land. Everything they do is all related to fantasy. Everything they think is merely all subtle fantasy. The truth is we are all living in the little thing we call ‘REALITY’. And, reality is something women can never understand because every ounce of their blood is filled with FANTASY. Now, imagine this, some women want their marriages to be full of fun and laughter, some perhaps want their lives to be famous and glamorous, and there are some who simply want to be rich and treated like a queen or a princess.

Reality check, everyone. There are no such things as listed above. Maybe for those who really own such fortunate fate would refuse to have one. Why? Well, some women who are rich feel left and ignored simply because their partners are busy making bucks…they complain. Some women who are famous and glamorous feel insecure because they scared might not get good partners knowing the nature of their jobs and stuff so… they complain. Some who want their marriages to be full of fun and laughter feel too much of it makes them sick and tired…so…they complain again. What do women want?

Some women who have partners who are not always at home…they complain. Some who have partners who love to come back home right after work…they still complain. Now, what is the matter? What are men supposed to do? Are all men meant to be pushed and pulled around like a bunch of stupid cows? Hello...

Men live their lives based on what reality has offered them. Men change according to situations around them. Men are more practical in making decisions. We, men know what to do and what not to do at certain time or point in our lives. Sometimes men simply do not want to share certain things and women have to respect that. Men always have reasons for what they are doing. Though some reasons may not be as good as what some women want…but then again.. WHO CARES? At least we know what is good and what is not. At least we don’t talk about other people like what some women always do…why? Like I said earlier on…’IT IS IN THEIR BLOOD’. This is not an over generalization. This is a fact and the fact that most women can never be the head of any countries is because there will be more WAR in the world than we already have.

I know some of my readers are women. I am not mocking or even making a hasty generalization here. Why don’t you women think for a while and try to be more open and be decisive sometimes. Trust me, it helps. Both sexes need to coordinate in order to create an equilibrium ecosystem. Both have expectations. Both have choices and preferences. But, the different is most men can easily be understood and very clear in what they want. Some women are just impossible to understand regardless of what men have done in order to satisfy their needs. Please be Specific. Be Practical and Be Real. The next time round when a man were to ask you, women what to eat...please be decisive... The common answer ' Anything' is not what we, men want. I guess women should not only know how to put on make up on their lovely and pretty faces but also have got to learn how TO MAKE UP THEIR MIND too. Life is not always beautiful and don’t try too hard to make it beautiful because if it is not meant to be then it is just a useless attempt. Useless attempts will lead to dissatisfactions and dissatisfactions will lead to nowhere but someone is bound to become a victim… guess who…? MEN.

You fellas can say anything you wish to say. My mind is pretty clear that some women just don’t know how hard a man’s life is and to make it even harder is just not what a man wants. There is always be A WOMAN behind every successful man and there is also always be SOME WOMEN (the type who knows not what she wants) behind some failed and miserable men. Now, this isn’t a fantasy. It is a reality. Some women just can’t see the way men see things and situations. Most men aren’t too judgmental as some women. This is simply because we see things differently and we think many times before we even say or make a move. This is different to how some women think and act. Way… way… different.

My point is dear wonderful women please give your men a little break sometimes or MERCY. We have had enough of bullshit from our work, don’t add up. We have had enough of craps from every corner of our lives please don’t give us another one. We already have enough responsibilities to shoulder upon please don't push us any further. we don't want to end up like a time bomb...waiting to explode. And, when it is pretty ugly. It isn’t hard to satisfy most men… the key is to SMILE HONESTLY. That’s all.

An honest smile worth more than a thousand kisses…


Yat said...

gf just screwed your day huh? i feel you buddy. :)

Ralph.J said...

Hi yat. Thanks. Well, this post is about women all over the world..or in other planets too (if there is). Thanks for feelin' it bro...

Anonymous said...

m..well written..
me as a woman, i thought that men is also complicated..
well not that complicated like women but still hard to understand them..
i just wanted to complain that i hate men who just thinking bout their job and don't bother bout women's feeling..
men usually lacked of EQ..
i just said what i'm feeling..
but i like your writing..
more please...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ralph, i know who's your gf. she's a cute blogger and i read her blog too...


Ralph.J said...

Hi callister, thanks for your wonderful comment. I know sometimes men are hard to understand but not impossible to understand. Yeah, I hate men who always think about their jobs all the time but still they have a purpose and target to reach in life, right? To SATISFY their women... About the EQ thingy, well, some women are too passionate till they are blinded by it and that defeats the purpose of living in REALITY... so..FANTASY is the answer.

Ralph.J said...

Hi there Super-man. Thanks for dropping by. Love to get more comments especially when it is all about my little angel. Thanks for the compliment. She is cute and all. I adore her and that's why this post is written. To tell her how complicated a woman can be. And how simple a man can be. Just stay tune bro... probably more issues on women will be posted soon.

Jamuuna said...

"Life is not always beautiful and don’t try too hard to make it beautiful because if it is not meant to be then it is just a useless attempt. Useless attempts will lead to dissatisfactions and dissatisfactions will lead to nowhere but someone is bound to become a victim… guess who…? MEN."

Well I saw this blog in Somehow, I do not agree with your comment here. Life is not perfect or a bed of rose petals. But, I think it takes a lot courage and optimism to look at every thorn and look at it beautifully. Hardship can sometimes make one at the beauty around us. My dad always say that.

Anyway, this whole male vs female feud will never end!! lol

Ralph.J said...

Hi Jamuuna, first of all, thanks for dropping by and taking your time in reading my post of What Women Want? I guess this little post has brought some people's attention especially among women. What I wanted to say from the quotation was basically life itself has its own way and path to follow. One can never force things if things are not meant to be. Such action is simply a useless thing to do for it will lead to some other implications. And someone may be hurt in the process of doing so. I believe everyone is trying his or her best in fulfilling life but one cannot escape from crying and weeping in the end, cuz life works that way. Being optimistic is just an idea not a reality...