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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Women + Reality...

Hi fellas

I could see some hot and sizzling traffic came in right after I posted my WHAT WOMEN WANT?. Great! Now, I know I am not making this up. Thanks to some readers who posted their comments and I really appreciate it. Well, all I wanted to say was life can be really meaningful if one tries to stand with both of his or her feet on the ground rather than dreaming of flying high up in the sky. I know this sounds quite normal and it is probably an old news to some. But, most of us don’t realize it how much some of us have forgotten what life requires us all to do and to be. So, why make it complicated?

Now, I am not writing this due to some anger and hatred. This is what I personally feel and I am sincere in voicing out my little thought to the world. Something to share and nothing to lose. The issue of women and men in this world is too broad. Everyone has his or her own words when it comes to this gender issues. Something for us all to ponder upon. Long time ago, women were treated like a second class human beings. They did not have their say in most societies in the world. Then, came a revolution. Women wanted to be recognized and they wanted to have their rights as equal as men. Well, after some bloodshed and ugly stuff happened men decided to allow women to have their say in the society. Later on, women started to compete with men. And, again women proved that they can be as equal as men. But, they have forgotten one thing.

In the midst of their struggle for equality in the world they have defeated themselves by somehow denying who they really are. I personally thought women should try to keep and maintain their identity as women not men. This is where women are defeated simply because men have tried their best to maintain the essence of being men. For instance, men wear pants, women wear too, men smoke, women want it too, men play football, women play football too, etc…etc… Now, what is wrong here? We don’t get to see men wear skirts because women wear skirts, we don’t see men carry handbags because women do, we don’t get to see men wear high heels because women wear high heels…etc…etc… unless some men who were probably born to be half men and half women. But then again, still too many things women do, men don’t do and copy because we know by doing so we are just making ourselves look stupid. Why bother?

Now, please don’t get me wrong, especially to female readers. I just want you to think for a while. I believe there are reasons why God (if there is any) created two different sexes or else why headache. Each one of us, men and women, are both special and distinct. By imitating one means denying and going against the nature of human beings. So, if there is a good reason why women want to live in men’s life, please let me know. Don’t tell me that because men cannot always win, men cannot always be the head and leader, men cannot monopolize all sectors… don’t. We, men don’t want to compete against women, not because some women are simply weaker then men, not because some women are simply not at the same par with men…not because of some silly and nonsense reasons like that. But because we, men know, no matter how hard both sexes are trying the WORLD IS STILL ROUND. Whatever stays on the top one day will have to stay under. There goes what a man think. Why…? This is what we call ‘REALITY’ and it is true. Don’t deny it.

I guess many men out there would agree with me. Women should try to make things simpler and be practical sometimes. There are so many things out there which are way…way… too complicated and I hate to mention this, RELATIONSHIP SHOULD NOT BE COMPLICATED. Enough with all the nonsense and craps all over the place in the world around us but one thing…one little thing called LOVE should be simpler and easier. Women or men have to try to make this thing work.

Reality is hard to accept…

What Women Want?...

Hi fellas,

I guess there is a limit in a person’s life. I know there is time when one feels down and upset and I hate to have either one of them. I know life with a partner is something worth living but sometimes to understand another person’s mind is simply impossible. Women for instance, are a very complicated being. It is hard to get to know them, it is even harder when you are with one of them and to make matter worst, it is impossible to understand them. What do women want?!! The answer is infinity. Maybe they themselves don’t even know what they really want in life.

Some women love to live in fantasy. They want their lives to revolve in this little Fantasy Land. Everything they do is all related to fantasy. Everything they think is merely all subtle fantasy. The truth is we are all living in the little thing we call ‘REALITY’. And, reality is something women can never understand because every ounce of their blood is filled with FANTASY. Now, imagine this, some women want their marriages to be full of fun and laughter, some perhaps want their lives to be famous and glamorous, and there are some who simply want to be rich and treated like a queen or a princess.

Reality check, everyone. There are no such things as listed above. Maybe for those who really own such fortunate fate would refuse to have one. Why? Well, some women who are rich feel left and ignored simply because their partners are busy making bucks…they complain. Some women who are famous and glamorous feel insecure because they scared might not get good partners knowing the nature of their jobs and stuff so… they complain. Some who want their marriages to be full of fun and laughter feel too much of it makes them sick and tired…so…they complain again. What do women want?

Some women who have partners who are not always at home…they complain. Some who have partners who love to come back home right after work…they still complain. Now, what is the matter? What are men supposed to do? Are all men meant to be pushed and pulled around like a bunch of stupid cows? Hello...

Men live their lives based on what reality has offered them. Men change according to situations around them. Men are more practical in making decisions. We, men know what to do and what not to do at certain time or point in our lives. Sometimes men simply do not want to share certain things and women have to respect that. Men always have reasons for what they are doing. Though some reasons may not be as good as what some women want…but then again.. WHO CARES? At least we know what is good and what is not. At least we don’t talk about other people like what some women always do…why? Like I said earlier on…’IT IS IN THEIR BLOOD’. This is not an over generalization. This is a fact and the fact that most women can never be the head of any countries is because there will be more WAR in the world than we already have.

I know some of my readers are women. I am not mocking or even making a hasty generalization here. Why don’t you women think for a while and try to be more open and be decisive sometimes. Trust me, it helps. Both sexes need to coordinate in order to create an equilibrium ecosystem. Both have expectations. Both have choices and preferences. But, the different is most men can easily be understood and very clear in what they want. Some women are just impossible to understand regardless of what men have done in order to satisfy their needs. Please be Specific. Be Practical and Be Real. The next time round when a man were to ask you, women what to eat...please be decisive... The common answer ' Anything' is not what we, men want. I guess women should not only know how to put on make up on their lovely and pretty faces but also have got to learn how TO MAKE UP THEIR MIND too. Life is not always beautiful and don’t try too hard to make it beautiful because if it is not meant to be then it is just a useless attempt. Useless attempts will lead to dissatisfactions and dissatisfactions will lead to nowhere but someone is bound to become a victim… guess who…? MEN.

You fellas can say anything you wish to say. My mind is pretty clear that some women just don’t know how hard a man’s life is and to make it even harder is just not what a man wants. There is always be A WOMAN behind every successful man and there is also always be SOME WOMEN (the type who knows not what she wants) behind some failed and miserable men. Now, this isn’t a fantasy. It is a reality. Some women just can’t see the way men see things and situations. Most men aren’t too judgmental as some women. This is simply because we see things differently and we think many times before we even say or make a move. This is different to how some women think and act. Way… way… different.

My point is dear wonderful women please give your men a little break sometimes or MERCY. We have had enough of bullshit from our work, don’t add up. We have had enough of craps from every corner of our lives please don’t give us another one. We already have enough responsibilities to shoulder upon please don't push us any further. we don't want to end up like a time bomb...waiting to explode. And, when it is pretty ugly. It isn’t hard to satisfy most men… the key is to SMILE HONESTLY. That’s all.

An honest smile worth more than a thousand kisses…

Saturday, July 19, 2008

True Friend...

Hi fellas,

People say good friends are hard to find. Indeed I agree with that saying. Life is all about having someone who you can be with and someone who you can trust. As a normal boy back then, I had a lot of friends. Some of them are just friends and some are real close friends. I know the definition of friend can be varied between one individual to another. But for me, friends are meant to be the one who I can assume to be like brothers and sisters, perhaps.

Back in my hometown, I had this one friend. He was a cool person. Cool as in he was very calm and he joked a lot. The thing is he didn’t have many friends. In fact, some boys didn’t like him because they thought he looked kind of weird. My house is close to his. Every time I saw him playing with his little brothers under their house. I wondered why some of my friends didn’t want to invite him to play with us. They told me stories about him and some were just plain ridiculous.

So, one fine day, I went up to him and I greeted him. He smiled and greeted me back. I saw he was fixing his bicycle and his hands were both dirty and oily. I made some small chat with him while my eyes were busy observing him, from his clothes to his behavior. One little thing I noticed that his hands from biceps and below were kind of a bit twisted. I was curious and I almost popped out the questions but then again I didn’t want him to feel bad. Anyway, I invited him to come over to my house to play with some of my little soldiers. He looked at me and smiled, without saying a word, he continued repairing his bicycle. Then, I could feel the existence of coldness in our conversation. I felt kind of a bit strange at first. So, I bid him goodbye and hoped to see him around.

A few days later, while I was playing alone in my house because it was raining, suddenly I heard someone knocking at the door. My mom opened and there he stood with a plastic bag of mangoes. He gave them to my mom and said it was from his father’s orchard. He was half wet and I quickly went to him and I invited him to play with me. However, he didn’t say anything but I insisted him to stay for a while. Then, he stayed and my mom made some orange cordial for both of us to drink and served some biscuits to eat. He was a very shy person. He didn’t speak much and I had to start each and every conversation with him. Then, slowly I could feel that he was a good person but he didn’t have many friends because he was shy. From that day onwards, I often visited him whenever I saw him fixing his bicycle or his brothers’ bicycles. And, he often visited me too. We both slowly became good friends. I learned how to fix bicycle from him. He started to become slightly open to me and he joked more than I expected.

I guess, there is so much in a person to see when one is closer to each other. I would have never expected he was a very calm and lively person to be with. But, he was somehow different when some other friends were around. I probably had this little ‘key’ which could open his true self without having trying so hard. During my school break, I spent my teenage years with him. Sadly, he was not good in a formal education setting. But, deep down, he had some skills in certain areas. He is married now and he has two boys. He does some odd jobs, here and there to keep things going, in my hometown. Whenever I go back to my hometown, I never fail to visit him, collecting some of my old clothes to be given to him, buy a pair of T-shirt or a shirt for him and he never fails to come to my house bringing some traditional cakes and some salted fish for me to bring back to KL. He would sit for hours with me, catching up some stories which I have missed. Then, we would go out and have some meals. Sometimes at night, he would come over and we chat. There is always something to talk about. We both could relate to each other well.

Mutual Friendship…

Gangstarz and Jellyfish...

Hi fellas,

These days reality shows have flooded our TV channels with all sorts of games and competitions. Indeed with all of these shows, some I would say pretty interesting and all. Well, some are just disappointing and lame. Reality shows like Amazing Race, Survivor, Fear Factor, American Idol and The Apprentice are some of the top quality and high rating shows. In fact, these are the shows worth watching and the most awaited shows.

Well, then again, as usual, Malaysians have their own shows too for instance The Firm (which isn’t firm at all) and Gangstarz (would rather call them GangClownz). And, these shows are, sorry to say, not even worth a dime and time. The show like Gangstarz for instance, is just too lame and really disappointing. Up until now, I still do not think that this show can boost the quality of music industry in this country. As far as I am concern, this show is such a big piece of crap. I would say all of the competitors are really suck, big time. Please don’t get me wrong here. If these are the kind of singers or entertainers who will fill the music industry in this country, man…’we ain’t goin’ no where’.

I have a few valid reasons why show like Gangstarz is not worth watching. First of all, these singer wannabes have got no style to be one. Well, though styles can be nurtured but then again, they are just too FAKE to be one. They don’t have what it takes. They are trying way too hard or could it be they are just out of their league. Nothing seems to show their real quality to become one. They have got no identity on their own. Even if they have one, it is too fake and simply mimicking other famous entertainers. Talking about gimmicks and all, too much of it and one can get sick watching it. Again, this happens because they don’t have the talent and flare to be one.

Secondly, though I am not a vocal trainer nor I am a singer, but anyone can tell that these singer wannabes are just tone deaf. They sing out of tune. They can’t even harmonize their voices and not too mention changing other people’s songs and making them sound even worse. I have got one question that I would love to pop out to these singer wannabes. When was the last time they listen… I meant really listen to their voices? Well, that does not include singing in a bathroom. Mother of God, please let these people hear their own voices before they decide to become entertainers whom I personally feel their albums (if they can land one) would miserably go down the drain and, before it causes further damage to ear drums of all Malaysians.

Thirdly, the look. I am sorry to say that most of them have no commercial value at all. I don’t mean that they need to look pretty and handsome to become singers but isn’t that is a part of the requirements to be fulfilled in order to boost the industry. No standard at all. In that case, anyone can be a singer and anyone can also go up on stage and start singing even though he or she does not have enough package to be one. Fashion people, fashion…Now, let us be fair, not everyone is born pretty and handsome. Not everyone is born to sing, too. But, some are born with the complete package, pretty or handsome, fashionable and can sing. This is what we’re looking for. I know some may say, this isn’t a beauty contest but then again most of them who take part in this Gangstarz do not have at least two of the above requirements. And, the worst thing is, they probably know that they are ugly and they still dress up like clowns. They dance like clowns and they sing like clowns. I guess Gangstarz should call themselves GangClownz. They do not deserve to be called stars. The real stars are the one who are truly magnificent and simply the best. I personally do not think anyone of them fits the profile. None.

Sometimes, I think the so called professional jury for this show isn’t professional at all. They are just there to show that they know what they are doing which I think they don’t. Their comments are lame and stupid. Some of them do not deserve to award any stars to any of the clowns. And, the other little clowns who know nothing about music, and probably are just lame people watching and cheering in the studio as if they know what these so called professional jury say. I hope this show is only aired in this country. Well, I guess not. What a shameful thing to show to the world. They want to do it internationally and yet the ‘sucky’ jury can’t even construct a complete sentence in English. Oh dear… what is this?

Well, despite all of the negative things about GangClownz, oppsss… I meant Gangstarz… they have succeeded in turning the studio into a ‘Legitimate Disco’ for the spectators. Wow, a couple of times I happened to witness some “Jellyfish” floating in the air during the performances. Thumbs up! They really can dance. I don’t mean the singer wannabes on the stage but the Malay ladies with their scarves or their head gear, dancing like nobody’s business. I know I have seen some Malay ladies dancing in some discos in town but at least they are not hypocrite and pretentious. Now these colorful floating “Jellyfish” made me laugh. Oh dear… I guess this is the only place where they can let go off their ‘steam’. Pathetic… I never know that the ones with the scarves on their head are quite a party animal group, huh.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Monkey Love...

Hi fellas,

It is funny to think about my past. I know that my past isn’t that great but full of adventures and lots of trials and errors. I learnt. I understood how things worked. But there is one thing which took me years to understand…LOVE. Love is such a difficult thing to understand and I realized how hard it is to fall in love and it is even harder when you fail in love.

As I could recall, I guess my first monkey love was when I was 15 years old. I totally had no idea that little feeling which I had was actually what people call it LOVE. It is such a strange thing for me and until now I can feel it but at least now I know what it means. There was this one girl who came to my school. She had long silky hair and pretty much a girl boys would love to be with. At that time, I had a friend. He somehow liked the girl too. I know what you all are thinking... Well, it was definitely a “Bermuda Triangle Love Story”. A friend of mine came to me and told me how he felt about the girl. Pretending to be an idiot, I nodded and agreed with whatever he had to say, though deep down in me I had almost similar or maybe deeper feeling for the girl.

Anyway, after a couple of months, my class teacher asked for some volunteers to do some presentations for the coming Teachers’ Day. My friend came to me and told me his idea for the Teachers’ Day which somehow had some elements of wooing the girl. All I could do was to agree and smiled back at him. So, he went up to the teacher and volunteered himself. The girl who sat two rows in front of me turned and smiled at me. I bet that was the sweetest smile I had ever seen in my life. All of a sudden, my heart started beating so hard and I could practically felt cold sweat dripping down from my forehead. I felt uncomfortable and my mind was clouded and I thought I was going to die that very moment. Then, a few seconds later, suddenly one brilliant idea went across my mind. I said quietly to myself, I wanted to volunteer and present something on that day. I stood up and I walked up to my teacher and smiled at her. She asked me what would I do on that day, and I automatically answered that I wanted to sing. Oh dear Lord! What the heck am I doing? My teacher smiled and nodded. And I turned around and walked back to my seat with all bloody curses…Silly!! Silly!! Silly!!

About two days later, during break time, the girl came to me and she asked me what song I would sing for the Teachers’ Day. I smiled and I said “Right Here Waiting”. What?! I said in my heart. She smiled. Her beautiful eyes glittered and they made me so nervous. She wished me good luck. Oh dear, at that moment, I just realized that Teachers’ Day was only two days away. I had a lot of preparations to do. In fact, I had no idea why in the hell I would volunteer myself for such thing. I was very silly. I looked at my friend who was very busy preparing for the day. He planned to recite a poem. I waved at him and he smiled back at me. I felt really guilty somehow and I knew I was not challenging him…was I?

I practiced singing the song. I strummed my guitar and I sang. My mom was a bit lost when she realized I was different than usual. She came up to me and asked me, why there’s sudden change in me. At first, I felt uncomfortable to talk to her but finally I let it out. I told her about this girl. My mom smiled at me and she advised me to go easy on it. She said, love is something pure and it is not meant to be forced. Love is unexpected and wonderful if one can treasure it with all his or her heart. Love is something simple and should not be complicated. Life is complicated but not loves. Wow…it was like and inspiration to me. My mom smiled and left. I guess she felt better at that moment knowing his only child was normal, just facing a little ‘glitch’ in life. So, I practiced my singing and guitar playing for the day.

The day had come. I brought my guitar to school. Some friends were impressed and did not expect me to play the guitar. Yes, I never told anyone about it. I kept it as a secret. And, that day everything came to light. My friend delivered his poem really well. And, it was my turn to present. I pulled out a chair and I sat with my guitar on my lap. A little nervous and cold sweat was dripping slowly. I strummed the guitar and I played the tune. I started singing. I looked at everyone’s face and I smiled. Miraculously, everyone seemed to enjoy my performance. I did not dare to look at the girl directly. Without my acknowledgment my song had come to an end. I ended it well. Then, round of big applause, bursting with all the cheering from the boys. My teacher smiled and shook my hand. My classmates requested another song but I had to refuse with the reason not enough time. Luckily it worked. The truth was I only practiced one song…

While I was busy packing my guitar, the girl came and she told me that she liked my performance. I thanked her and she offered me a glass of coke. I accepted it and thanked her again. From that day onwards, we became good friends and I did not dare to say anything to her which I thought would ruin our friendship if I decided to tell her the truth. However, the truth is something in which a person probably can never hide forever. She came to know about my true feeling for her when my friend told her that I liked her more than just a friend. I did tell my friend that I somehow liked her after the presentation and my friend and I were not in a very good term ever since. I apologized to him for keeping that little secret and I never expected that he would tell her about it. Upon knowing the truth she came to me and asked me to go out for a drink. I was clueless. I felt kind of a bit strange but I went out. She was pretty cool and she asked me a few questions (I felt as if I was being interrogated) and I had to be honest to her. I told her that I wanted to become her special one. So, there it went. I told her everything and strangely, she looked at me for a few seconds and she said ‘YES’. YES…?

Love is unexpected and pure…

Crash and Burn...

Hi fellas,

Some may think I have run AWOL. And some may think I have diminished from the face of the earth. The truth is I am still here. I knew my last post was last month and it is almost two weeks ago since. The truth is I was kind of busy with my work. I realize how happy I am now compared to the past few months. My life was not in place and everything seemed to be upside down. But, ever since I have moved on and now I get my freedom to make as much cash I can. I am going to work even harder than before. Oppsss… does that mean I am going to ignore my blog again…? Probably… yes.. or probably nope.

A few nights ago, I was lucky to come across a debate between the opposition and the government. I thought it was something hot and sizzling as I have expected but it turned out to be rather frustrating. Both parties were just playing with the issue of recent fuel price and the other party happened to include some personal attacks in his speech. Well, I guess both were just plain idiots, standing and trying to put the nicest scent as they could possibly do even though it stunk like hell. On the government side, the debater was nothing but a plain childish and sounded rather silly by regurgitating some personal attacks to the opposition. Come on, why didn’t he take out his sword and slash the guy? End of the story. Stop wasting people’s time. And, the opposition sounded so funny knowing the fact that, how can I support someone who doesn’t seem to know where he is standing at the moment. By doing so, I guess more people would rather hang themselves than being in a country leads by a person who once claimed to be a molester and was a part of the government himself. And, the worst of all is, due to this person, the whole KL is congested. Many roads are closed and road blocks are everywhere. Gosh!

Come on guys. What is this? Is this the kind of Malaysia we all are expecting for after the 50th independence? I am not quite sure of it. From where I am standing now, I guess foreign investors should try not to invest anything here at the moment. And those Malaysians, who can afford to leave this country, please do so. I don’t think both parties are really eligible to govern this little country. What a shameful thing. Never thought Malaysia would become like this. Well, whatever that is, may the culprits who have started all these chaotic situations be damned in HELL. If ever HELL has its own way to burn and torture the damned please let the POLITICIANS be the first and the worst.
