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Sunday, August 3, 2008


Hi fellas,

Recently I had a lot of things to get done and finally I have come to a very good decision. I know this coming project is going to be my first and it will be the mark of my new career in life. This wonderful offer has made me somewhat nervous and confused in the beginning. As time goes by, things are properly sorted out and the whole idea gets clearer. I guess life needs a little change somewhere, somehow.

A few years back my life was a bit difficult and all. I was practically at the bottom of the wheel simply because of some idiot who never fulfill his words and promises. Then, I was a bit lucky for when I was at the verge of falling down a little mercy came in to support me. Then, thing started to sort out on its own. I noticed how life can be very challenging when one is not properly “plugged” onto the right channel. I have come to the understanding that something has got to be done.

For one and a half years of thinking and pacing myself down, I have met a lot of wonderful people. My journey in life has somehow changed. I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have got to take this chance and I would not hesitate to do it. Hesitation is the only my worst enemy. I know my limit so far. It is just that I hesitate to try and to channel my energy and my knowledge to the possibility. I guess, my new journey in life is about to begin. And, I am giving this opportunity my best.

When I think of it, there are so many challenges in life and there are also so many chances where some people just refuse to take. This is a mistake. I want to learn how people become rich and famous. I certainly want to become one of these people…either rich or famous…or maybe both. As I said, anyone can be one but hesitation stops some of us to reach our goals in life. Confidence level is high, skills can be nurtured, knowledge can be learnt, and experience can be gained. Thus, there is no way a person can’t be who a person wants it to be. The question is… DO YOU DARE? It is time to come out to the open, for me especially. I have been hiding too long. And, I am not getting any younger. The clock is ticking and every time it ticks... there goes my age and time can never be gained unless if one is able to change oneself for better…

Dare to make a change…


Grand Panda Cream said...

dare to be differ than before.. make you stronger than before..

Ralph.J said...

Thanks caynie de. I guess life is meaningless if one fails or refuses to try out new things in life. What does not kill you, will only make you stronger...