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Sunday, December 7, 2008


Hi fellas,

Ok...ok... I know that I have been missing for a few months now. I know some of my readers probably have left. I know that I have abandoned my blog for quite a while now. But, good news is... I am BACK! Does anybody miss me, after all? Yes...Nope...?

Since last August, there have been quite a lot of things happening in my little life. One of them is, I have attended two wonderful wedding parties. Not my weddings, of course. I found out that I have earned a few new friends and they are wonderful people. Besides that, I went on a vacation. Again, it was such a wonderful vacation when everything was unplanned and everyone was so happened to be in one place. What else could I ask for? Perfect combinations. We had a lot of fun and unexpected 'joy' too. Other than that, work... Interesting huh?

Then, without noticing it, time flies like a jet plane. Here we are, at the end of the year. It feels like I haven't done much in this year yet. Why is that so? I don't know... Two answers perhaps, One, I could have done something really really good and I did not notice the time and Two...I could probably have done nothing and yet I enjoyed it... That makes sense, right...?

Well, the answer to the questions why I abandoned my blog for a while is because I need time to think and to collect what is left in me and the world around me. Sometimes, it is good to pause for a while and then perhaps I can come back with new and fresh ideas. Who knows... I hope to share more of me to dear fella readers. And, there will be some photos in this blog, too ( if I can find one that suits).

Do drop me a comment or two. I still love to hear from my fella readers. I don't really mind the nature of your comments...the tone... the words... in fact, I would love to be criticized...if you may. I want to hear what have you got in mind and the reasons why do you think so...

Fellas, love it or hate it...


Anonymous said...

oh man..i thought you are gone for real..
good to have u back..

Ralph.J said...

Hi there Callister, it is nice to hear from you again. Thanks for being a loyal reader. Callister, will check on your blog too.