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Friday, March 13, 2009


Hi fellas,

I know... I know... I have again neglected my little blog. Life is not that easy huh... Well, I was kinda caught up between life itself and jobs which seem to be rather motivating. More jobs mean more dough! Aren't we all need a bit of this dough...?

Anyway, my last post was a bit harsh but it was only natural to show one's anger towards cruelty and all. I know some people may hate me but I don't really care about being liked. I was just voicing my opinion based on what I had witnessed. The real truth is out there. Whatever that is, people in Gaza will never forget and perhaps will never forgive what the jews have done to their people. It may be an episode of the countless tragedies in their lives but the ruins can never be fixed. Not in a million years. The soil in Gaza is tainted with the blood of the innocents.

Memory remains...