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Monday, January 12, 2009

Fuck Ups of the World!

Hi fellas,

Lately the world has been flooded by the innocent blood. Lots of people were killed in Gaza. What has the world come to? Enough with everyday turmoils and now we are served with yet another disgusting, eye-soaring and heart breaking news when humans are no longer treated like humans but animals to be slaughtered. For decades, we all have witnessed such cruelty and yet nothing we can do to stop it from happening. What has the world come to?

The jews (don't deserve to be capitalized) are filled with hatred. When one Muslim man shoots a non Muslim man, the world labels him as a terrorist. This man will never see the light anymore. The sun and the moon are just a part of his dream. His freedom will be taken away. His life vanishes just like dust in the wind. But, when the jews kill women, children and men in Gaza, for decades, they call themselves as protectors, the knights and they have freedom and not to mention the wealth and luxurious life, even richer than a king. The world seems to close their eyes and pretend to be deaf.

Now, Hitler once was labeled as the most cruel man in the universe. But, I guess Hitler is the most genius man of all. He knew that these culprits are going to cause the world filled with blood and tears in the future. He knew what he did was right. He killed those bastards and then he left some. Funny huh...? Well, I guess he had his hidden agenda. He wanted the world to see the truth, the reason for what he did. And, it is proven that those bastards are up for the world domination! That makes Hitler look not more than just a 'perp' who tried to steal some candies at your local 7 Eleven. He knew way before we knew it.

UN is nothing but a useless organization. Nobody respects it. Even a cow gets more respect than UN. They are enjoying it and they are too slow in everything. Why? Because there are no more interesting channels to watch at home and their bellies are filled with the blood and flesh of the innocent people. None of them deserves to say anything for what they are about to say is nothing but a piece of crap. Only flies would hover it and maggots would eat it.

Body count is skyrocketing and 275 of them who were killed were children. This number is not going to slow down. In a day or two, more blood will be spilled and yet we put our hands deep in our pockets and pretend nothing is happening. What a joke... Those bastards are having fun, their missiles and rockets are just like another fireworks show for them. Should America stay out of this, nothing like this would happen. Another idiot on the block playing God thinking they are perfect and shit. That fucking 'bush' is just a bastard. A moron who causes such atrocity. What would he care? He is the scumbag of the world! For all we know, his mother was probably fucked by a group of heinous creatures in some dirty back alley.

No matter what, the Palestinians are still there. They are strong people. America and the jews never win anything! Never! They are just losing and losing! That is the fact. The Afgans, the Iraqis, and the Palestinians are among the strongest people in the world! America and the jews are nothing but cowards! They are afraid of their own shadow and downfall. Let them be for they know they can never win it and every bullet that kills an innocent child will haunt them for the rest of their miserable life.

Here's my prayer to those culprits:

May their bodies and soul be burned in hell!
May their noses be cut!
May their legs be broken!
May their mouths be torn!
May their brains be boiled!
May their tongues be sliced!
May their fingers and toes be crushed!
May their hands be chopped into pieces!
May their chests be poured with hot lava!
May their eyes be penetrated with hot needles!
May their ears be squeezed till they bleed and fall out!

Guns and stones are no match...